[GRASS5] overdue rst updates

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Wed Feb 16 17:16:17 EST 2005

I am about to submit the following changes to v.surf.rst and r.resamp.rst
(unrelated to the GUI issue) let me know if there are any objections:

- removal of -r and -c flags :
they are leftovers from GRASS4.1 and weren't in s.surf.rst
and they are causing lot of confusion for users
Let me know if you see any reason why one would interpolate categories

- change in the description of some options to distiguish between
z as a 3rd coordinate and z as an interpolated value(attribute)

- removal of references from r.resamp.rst

- move author info after G_parser and change stdout to stderr in v.surf.rst

Interestingly enough r.resamp.rst runs OK from GUI while v.surf.rst does not,
Question to Michael - should we move v.surf.rst in GIS manager
from raster to vector? That is where I was trying to find it and it
is listed as vector command in the manual.


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