[GRASS5] not clear behaviour of v.clean

ivan marchesini marchesini at unipg.it
Wed Jan 12 14:13:25 EST 2005

Dear developpers,
I tried to use v.clean to correct a vector map...
if I use more than one tool at the same time, for example:
v.clean input=insediamenti output=insed_prova_clean1
tool=rmdupl,bpol,rmarea thresh=10

I obtain the next output:


WARNING: Threshold for tool 1 may not be > 0, set to 0
| Tool                            | Threshold     |
| Remove duplicates                | 0.000000e+00 |
| Break polygons                   | 0.000000e+00 |
| Remove small areas               | 0.000000e+00 |

Tool: Remove small areas
Removed areas:     0
0 areas of total size 0 removed

it seems that the first tool force the value of the threshold of tool
rmarea to be 0.0

in fact if I use v.clean over the same file but using only rmarea tool..
the module remove 6 ares... as you can see below:


 v.clean input=insediamenti output=insed_prova_clean3 tool=rmarea

| Tool                            | Threshold     |
| Remove small areas               | 1.000000e+01 |
Tool: Remove small areas
Removed areas:    11
11 areas of total size 24.7048 removed

It could be a bug????



ivan marchesini <marchesini at unipg.it>

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