[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:7386] ANOUNCEMENT: GRASS 6 Exension Manager
Glynn Clements
glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed Jul 6 09:28:51 EDT 2005
Michael Barton wrote:
> I tried your suggestion and got a bit further. However, now I have a
> different error. Also, FWIW, the line in my reg_entries.c does not have a
> complete path. That is,
> #include <dirent.h>
> Instead of
> #include </usr/include/sys/dirent.h>
> I can't see that this is making a difference, (I tried it both ways) but
> can't say for sure.
The former is correct. Header files should never be referenced by an
absolute path (although sometimes they may have directory components).
> Anyway, this is the new error:
> cmb-powerbook:/downloads/gem-0.9 cmbarton$ make clean
> rm -f *.o *.bak core *~ gem
> cmb-powerbook:/downloads/gem-0.9 cmbarton$ make
> gcc -c at_exit_funcs.c -Wall
> gcc -c error.c -Wall
> gcc -c tools.c -Wall
> gcc -c reg_deps.c -Wall
> gcc -c reg_entries.c -Wall
> gcc -c reg_html.c -Wall
> gcc -c actions.c -Wall
> gcc -c main.c -Wall
> gcc at_exit_funcs.o error.o tools.o reg_deps.o reg_entries.o reg_html.o
> actions.o main.o -o gem -Wall
> ld: can't locate file for: -lcrt1.o
> make: *** [default] Error 1
That indicates a problem with the gcc installation. The "crt" files
are the C runtime. They are part of gcc, which automatically adds the
appropriate options to the linker (ld) command when it is used for
linking (i.e. without a -c switch).
Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
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