[GRASS5] r.texture segfault

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 6 09:59:00 EDT 2005

> In CVS, it is now:
>    if (grays[row][col] < 0 || grays[row][col] > PGM_MAXMAXVAL)
>       G_fatal_error ("Too many categories (found: %i, max: %i). Try to
>       rescale or reclassify the map", grays[row][col], PGM_MAXMAXVAL);

The check is good, but the -2147483648 problem is still that the module
doesn't understand NULLs? This stops the Segfault but the module still
doesn't work right. Or does the texture algorithm forbid NULLs?

r.univar reports that the output of r.rescale as having a finite number
of NULLs, so r.texture has the problem?


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