[GRASS5] [bug #3172] (grass) d.where -l is giving wrong results

Paul Kelly via RT grass-bugs at intevation.de
Sun Jul 10 16:24:53 EDT 2005

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3172

Request number 3172 was commented on by 'pkelly' (Paul Kelly). 
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Cc: grass5 at grass.itc.it

There definitely is a bug in there somewhere (and it may be 6.x-specific 
rather than PROJ version-specific; I haven't been able to re-produce it in 
5.4). d.where uses the PROJ function pj_latlong_from_proj() to convert from 
the UTM projection definition to a latlong definition on the same ellipsoid. 
This function is returning a value of es (eccentricity squared) with a very 
low precision, only a few decimal places, and that seems to be what is 
causing the error. I still haven't tracked down what is causing the low 
number of decimal places.

Adding a call to pj_print_proj_params(&iproj, &oproj) before the pj_do_proj 
line in display/d.where/where.c is helping to track this down.

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