[GRASS5] Dealing with old bug reports: new GRASS 6 bugtracker?

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 27 22:22:29 EDT 2005

Some comments regarding the bug tracker.

- the single biggest pain and gripe for me is having to clear out the
spam every few days. Otherwise I think the bugtracker is pretty smooth.

- One incentive for action might be to compile monthly statistics on
how many bugs were opened, closed, etc, and rank number of bugs
resolved vs. who closed them; the abiWord project used to do this,
maybe they still do. As with ranking CVS commits, this is a crude and
often misleading measure of who is doing the hard work, but maybe it is
a way of motivating the competitive types among us.

- I like the comment button for adding a note to a bug which doesn't
interest the general mailing list. I have enough email to sort through
as it is. What needs to be done I think is to better document how the
bug tracker should be used. Perhaps for the comment/reply buttons a
note directly under them.


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