[GRASS5] [bug #3350] (grass) ps.map: vpoints draws before grid

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 17 04:40:48 EDT 2005

Hi Maciek,

> > In ps.map, vpoint "markers" are drawn under the grid lines. Not sure
> > if same is true for vector lines, but markers should go on top. Need
> > to have a call in ps_map.c after do_grid() to call do_vectors().

Done in CVS by adding do_vpoints().

> Wouldn't it be usefull for any element to be rendered by the order of
> appearance in the file containing mapping instructions?
> So the vpoints (or any other element) could be drawn over or under the
> grid (or any other piece of map), as the user wishes.

Is this with respect to a specific preference or just a general idea?

Vectors of the same masking level are drawn in the order you list them.

You can control the order further by using "masked [y|n]" for the
features that support that. Masked features are drawn first, even if 
there isn't a mask in place.

Letting people draw text or scalebars on top of or under a legend, e.g.,
isn't very high on my priority list. The idea is that by default it does
the "right thing". i.e.:

General order:

1. raster maps
2. vector maps (areas & lines)
3. grid lines
4. point markers, symbols/icons, including vector points
5. labels, text, legends, scalebars, etc.

How would you rearrange that list?


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