[GRASS5] [bug #3071] (grass) nviz: finer height panel step needed

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at pf.pl
Sat Mar 5 09:22:03 EST 2005

From: "Hamish" <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [GRASS5] [bug #3071] (grass) nviz: finer height panel step 

>> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3071
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject: nviz: finer height panel step needed
> ..
>> GRASS Version: grass-6.0.cvs_src_snapshot_2005_02_12
>> A subtle height fine-tuning option is necessary for comfortable
>> detailed visulization.
>> By now the height panel step is over 100m. That's ok for general
>> overviewing, but it is impossible to change the height right according
>> to the user need.
> The step is dynamic depending on raster min/max.

>You can enter an exact
> or out-of-range height in the text box & apply by pressing enter.

Yes, I know that.

> does that cover your needs?

No. E.g. I'm selecting frames for animation of a DEM. Consider the first 
frame - say height 1000 is too much and 900 too little - how do I know if I 
need 950, 960, 971, 983 or else? Now multiply this dilema by your number of 
frames. Fine tuning each frame height manually is uncomfortable and time 
consuming. Maybe it could be aided by a slide bar, where one would choose 
his height-step from between 1 up to this automatically derived factor 
depending on raster min/max.


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