[GRASS5] i.points & G_parser()

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Sat Mar 19 10:36:09 EST 2005

Hamish wrote:

> I just modified i.points to use G_parser(). Result: i.points works
> better from the command line but GUI from command line and d.m fail as
> it tries to run all the interactive text input stuff in the tcltk
> window.
> Is there a solution for this or will i.points have to continue to be
> non-conformal?

One solution would be to add a new function to parser.c which an
application can use to indicate that it requires a terminal, e.g. 

The generate_tcl() function would propagate this information so that
run_cmd would know that it needs to run the command in a terminal.

> Is the only way to move interactive data entry onto
> graphics display window?

A Tcl/Tk version of the Vask library would be a useful addition.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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