[GRASS5] v.in.garmin

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 30 01:10:18 EST 2005

> due to changes in v.in.ascii the script v.in.garmin is currently
> broken. Changing the string "catcol" to "cat" in v.in.garmin fixes the
> biggest problems and the script can at least be used to import
> Waypoints/Tracks and Routes as POINTs. 

fixed in cvs.

> There's still another bug lurking: track/route-vectors are being
> created, but the geometry is garbled, which makes 'em unusable.

works for me.

G61> v.in.garmin -v -t out=t_trk
G61> v.build t_trk
Building topology ...
12 primitives registered
Building areas:  100%
0 areas built
0 isles built
Attaching islands:
Attaching centroids:  100%
Topology was built.
Number of nodes     :   24
Number of primitives:   12
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   12
Number of boundaries:   0
Number of centroids :   0
Number of areas     :   0
Number of isles     :   0
[no errors there..]

G61> d.vect t_trk
[looks fine]

Could you explain more about "geometry is garbled" ?
Are there any error messages in the v.in.garmin output?
Are you using DBF database?


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