[GRASS5] [bug #3201] (grass) v.in.ogr: failed import of shape
hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu May 5 07:12:36 EDT 2005
> > this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3201
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Subject: v.in.ogr: failed import of shape file
> >
> > when trying to load a shapefile..
> >
> > G6> v.in.ogr dsn=. layer=Depth_GD2K out=Depth
> > A datum name nzgd2k (New_Zealand_Geodetic_Datum_2000) was specified
> > without transformation parameters.
> > Note that the GRASS default for nzgd2k is towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000.
> > Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match.
> > Proceeding with import...
> > Layer: Depth_GD2K
> > -----------------------------------------------------
> > Building topology ...
> > Registering lines: v.in.ogr: split_q.c:65: RTreeClassify: Assertion
> > `!p->taken[i]' failed.
> > Aborted
> >
> >
> >
> > QGIS loads it fine.
> >
> > Happens both with GRASS 6.0 Debian package and self-compiled GRASS
> > 6.1-cvs on different machines.
> >
> > File is from ArcGIS 9(?).
> You have to debug lib/vector/rtree/.
ehh looks hard, so I'll try and see what else I can find:
Actually QGIS Segfaults on it as well on one machine, fine on another.
(both using the same version Debian package, same gdal/proj) weird.
(points vector)
$ dbview -ei Depth_GD2K.dbf | head -20
File version : 3
Last update : 04/25/105
Number of recs: 781
Header length : 97
Record length : 14
Field Name Type Length Decimal Pos
Id N 6 0
Depth N 7 1
Id : 0
Depth : 3.4
Id : 0
Depth : 9.2
Id : 0
Depth : 17.3
Id : 0
Depth : 19.9
Table query in (working) QGIS shows 3 columns:
id id Depth
0 0 1.2
1 0 1.8
2 0 2.3
3 0 3.1
query point in QGIS looks like:
v-id 0
|-Depth 4.8
|-Id 0
mmmmmm. Maybe something here. It's failing on feature # 255 (of 781):
v.external with DEBUG=5:
D4/5: ---- Feature 254 ----
D3/5: FID = 253
D4/5: add_geometry() FID = 253
D4/5: OGR type = 1
D4/5: Point
D4/5: Register line: FID = 253 offset = 253
D3/5: Register node: type = 1, 1230952.919334,4791803.941585
D3/5: dig_find_node()
D3/5: node = 0
D3/5: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 253, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 254, x,y,z = 1230952.919334, 4791803.941585, 0.000000
D3/5: new node = 254, n_nodes = 254, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/5: Add new node: 254
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): node = 254 line = 254
D3/5: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
D3/5: angle = -9.000000
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): line 254 added position 0 n_lines: 1 angle -9.000000
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_line(): line = 254
D4/5: Line registered with line = 254
D3/5: dig_cidx_add_cat(): field = 1 cat = 253 line = 254 type = 1
D4/5: add offset 253
D4/5: ---- Feature 255 ----
D3/5: FID = 254
D4/5: add_geometry() FID = 254
D4/5: OGR type = 1
D4/5: Point
D4/5: Register line: FID = 254 offset = 254
D3/5: Register node: type = 1, 1230957.298733,4791739.710404
D3/5: dig_find_node()
D3/5: node = 0
D3/5: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 254, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 255, x,y,z = 1230957.298733, 4791739.710404, 0.000000
v.external: split_q.c:65: RTreeClassify: Assertion `!p->taken[i]' failed.
D3/5: Register line: offset = 7322
D3/5: Register node: type = 1, 1230952.919334,4791855.034569
D3/5: dig_find_node()
D3/5: node = 0
D3/5: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 252, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 253, x,y,z = 1230952.919334, 4791855.034569, 0.000000
D3/5: new node = 253, n_nodes = 253, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/5: Add new node: 253
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): node = 253 line = 253
D3/5: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
D3/5: angle = -9.000000
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): line 253 added position 0 n_lines: 1 angle -9.000000
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_line(): line = 253
D3/5: dig_cidx_add_cat(): field = 1 cat = 253 line = 253 type = 1
D3/5: Vect_read_next_line()
D3/5: V1_read_next_line_nat()
D3/5: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 7351
D3/5: type = 1, do_cats = 1 dead = 0
D3/5: n_cats = 1
D3/5: n_points = 1
D3/5: off = 7380
D3/5: Register line: offset = 7351
D3/5: Register node: type = 1, 1230952.919334,4791803.941585
D3/5: dig_find_node()
D3/5: node = 0
D3/5: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 253, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 254, x,y,z = 1230952.919334, 4791803.941585, 0.000000
D3/5: new node = 254, n_nodes = 254, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/5: Add new node: 254
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): node = 254 line = 254
D3/5: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
D3/5: angle = -9.000000
D3/5: dig_node_add_line(): line 254 added position 0 n_lines: 1 angle -9.000000
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_line(): line = 254
D3/5: dig_cidx_add_cat(): field = 1 cat = 254 line = 254 type = 1
D3/5: Vect_read_next_line()
D3/5: V1_read_next_line_nat()
D3/5: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 7380
D3/5: type = 1, do_cats = 1 dead = 0
D3/5: n_cats = 1
D3/5: n_points = 1
D3/5: off = 7409
D3/5: Register line: offset = 7380
D3/5: Register node: type = 1, 1230957.298733,4791739.710404
D3/5: dig_find_node()
D3/5: node = 0
D3/5: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 254, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/5: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 255, x,y,z = 1230957.298733, 4791739.710404, 0.000000
v.in.ogr: split_q.c:65: RTreeClassify: Assertion `!p->taken[i]' failed.
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