[GRASS5] Ps.map wish/question

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue May 17 01:24:29 EDT 2005

> > Perhaps that is a lot more trouble than it is worth, and a
> > shell/perl/python script to translate a couple of the more common
> > d.* commands from d.save into a ps.map command file is all that is
> > needed.
> This would be doable of course,

I think that a script is the least intrusive method. Script would run
d.save, parse what it could, and spit out a base ps.map command file.

> but seems like it would require a lot of if or case statements.

well whatever language it is in will need that. I suggested perl/python
as they're probably better at dealing with text strings than shell
scripts are.


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