[GRASS5] importing .e00 files

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Wed Nov 2 12:54:54 EST 2005

Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be wrong with the  
following command:

GRASS 6.1.cvs (arrowhead_utm):~ > v.in.e00 -v file=/Volumes/disk2/ 
data2/reich_lab/data/fia/glo10k.e00 type=area vect=glo10k
An error may appear next which will be ignored...
E00 Compressed ASCII found. Will uncompress first...
/usr/local/grass-6.1.cvs/scripts/v.in.e00: line 175: e00conv: command  
not found
...converted to Arc Coverage in current directory
Importing areas...
ERROR: Cannot open data source: glo10k
An error occurred. Stop.
GRASS 6.1.cvs (arrowhead_utm):~ >

This files appears to open fine with ArcView, so I don't think the  
file is bad. However, I am confused by the "can't open data source"  



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