[GRASS5] importing .e00 files

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 3 21:18:17 EST 2005

> Here is one more bit of info. If I use all three arguments  
> point,line,area
> the vector appears to import:
> GRASS 6.1.cvs (arrowhead_utm):~ > v.in.e00 -v file=~/Desktop/ 
> glo10k.e00 type=point,line,area vect=glo10k
> An error may appear next which will be ignored...
> E00 Compressed ASCII found. Will uncompress first...
> ...converted to Arc Coverage in current directory
> Imported point,line,area vector map <glo10k>.
> Done.
> However, g.list vect, does not show the new vector:
> GRASS 6.1.cvs (arrowhead_utm):~ > g.list vect
> ----------------------------------------------
> no vector files available in current mapset
> ----------------------------------------------

right, that's a bug. (just not the bug you wanted)

#% options: point,line,area
#% description: Input type point, line or area

Note the "or".

the string matching tests which the parser uses apparently will consider
the whole options line as well as the components. I wonder what happens 
if you add 
#% multiple: no

Anyway it tests the string for each of point,line,area but as it is 
never one individual value none of the three subroutines which handle
each case are actually run, and it exits bypassing them all thinking
everything was ok.

check for this added to the script in CVS.


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