[GRASS5] v.buffer now does v.bubble

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 08:10:36 EST 2005


are you sure it works? I am almost sure it does not.
The first part which cunstructs buffer boundaries is OK.
The second which decides which areas are in buffer
(function area_in_buffer ) is using constant buffer size.
It will not be so easy, you have to rewrite
area_in_buffer() function to always check the right buffer
size for each feature in neighbourhood.


On 11/8/05, Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> v.buffer now can do dynamic buffer sizes with values taken from an
> attribute column and scale factor. Probably buggy so please test/fix.
> As previously, overlapping circle boundaries are disolved into one
> cohesive blob, with boundary cat number changing as you go around the
> edge to refer to the closest source cat.
> works for all supported vector feature types.
> previously you had to use 'd.vect.chart ctype=pie' or ps.map::vpoints::
> sizecol or a mad v.buffer+v.patch script.
> I wouldn't mind renaming the "bufcol" option something else if someone
> can think of something better. I don't want it to collide with buffer=
> in the parser (I don't mind typing buff=100, but buffer=100 would be
> annoying to type every time if the first 6 letters were not unique).
> enjoy,
> Hamish
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