[GRASS5] Problems about v.surf.idw

Muzaffer Ayvaz muzafferayvaz at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 12:09:26 EST 2005

  I have some problems about the v.surf.idw.
 First of all, I couldnt understand why the distances calculated without using sqrt. I mean;
 list[i].dist = dy*dy + dx*dx
 why this is not:
 list[i].dist = sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx) in the functions calculate_distances and
 The second problem and the last for now is that:
 in main code;
 nsearch = npoints < seacrh_points ? npoints : seacrh_points
 and search_points is defined 12 globally. So, nseach can nat be bigger
than 12. But again in the functions calculate_distances and
calculate_distances_noindex there are two for loops:
 one is ;
 the other;
 /* go thru rest of the points now */
 What is the rest?? nsearch is either equal to npoints or bigger than npoints.
Yours respectfully
  Muzaffer Ayvaz
  Istanbul Technical University

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