[GRASS5] [bug #3859] (grass) raster file access problems in GRASS6.1.cvs

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed Nov 23 17:02:52 EST 2005

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3859

Subject: raster file access problems in GRASS6.1.cvs

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries
GRASS Version: GRASS6.1.cvs-19_11_2005

This is an addendum to bug report #3808, but I list it here as a new report as it involved more functions than just d.rast.

I downloaded precompiled version of GRASS61.cvs-19_11_2005 to further test issue with d.rast as described in earlier report. No other changes to operating system, and GRASS-6.0.1 continues to operate just fine.

Having had more time to experiment, I have found that more raster commands appear to not function in cvs.6.1 - it's as if the raster files cannot be read (also created?) for some reason. For example, r.calculator does not write any files, r.buffer appears to "stall" when reading the input file, etc. Curiously though, other commands such as r.colors and others, appear to work fine (files altered in 6.1 and read in 6.0.1, as d.rast in cvs.6.1 still does not work). This does not appear to be an environment issue, as vector files can be read and viewed just fine. Any suggestions, as I like the changes made to GRASS in cvs.6.1 and would like to make greater use of it both for regular use, and as contribution to the development effort by testing (which I cannot do withoug raster functions).


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