[GRASS5] [bug #3585] (grass) bus error in general/manage modules

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Fri Nov 25 13:02:37 EST 2005

I had some time to try a few things, and narrowed down the cause a  
little, I hope.  I don't use GRASS on Mac OS 10.3 much these days,  
but on Mac OS 10.4, so I only occassionally give it a try.

At first I thought it might have something to do with the new  
SHLIB_LD options for Mac OS X (from back in bug #2544).  I had  
initial success just changing these options a bit.  But recently that  
hasn't worked.  After fiddling with the options some more, I haven't  
had any success.

I realized that about the time I first saw the problem (and when  
changing the SHLIB_LD options worked), I had started using GDAL CVS  
and 1.3.0 betas.  Because I really don't use Mac OS 10.3 much, I  
can't be sure of timing, but I'd guess that when I updated to GDAL  
1.3.1 is when adjusting the SHLIB_LD options stopped working.

I worked around a bug in configure and compiled GRASS 6.0.1 without  
GDAL, and with the original SHLIB_LD options, and now it's working -  
no bus errors.

So, the two factors here: Mac OS 10.3 (that is, GCC 3.3) and newer  
GDALs (1.3.x).  Everything is fine with the current GDAL and Mac OS  
10.4 (GCC 4.0).

Any ideas what changed in GDAL that could have this effect with older  
GCC's and GRASS?  Some C++ thing?

I could try rebuilding my whole dependency tree, but that will take a  

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