[GRASS5] QGIS GRASS Shell (hell)

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 04:45:31 EDT 2005

On 10/14/05, Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz> wrote:
> hallo,
> it seems to be working. will it support $GRASS_ADDON_PATH in the future?

Yes, there are many details which must be done, for example
shell history, GRASS shell rc files etc.

> I would like to ask, how is it with the new mapcalculator? There is map
> called "Output", when I try to perform calculation
> +------+        +--------+
> |  0   +--------+ Output |
> +------+        +--------+
> Is resulting to
> r.mapcalc =(0)
> syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting NAME or STRING
> Parse error
> Finished with error
> Hot to set the name of the output map?

Here http://mpa.itc.it/radim/qgis/mapcalc.png
you can see "Output" field under the canvas, try to
resize the window.

I know that the QCanvasView is not resized verticaly well.
I tried everything but it seems that there is a minimumHeight
somewhere set, but it is neither in QgsGrassMapcalc nor
in QgsGrassMapcalcView. Strange is also that
horizontal resizing works as expected.
Anybody has idea?


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