[GRASS5] [bug #3630] (grass) error in v.proj/r.proj in gnomonic projection

Paul Kelly via RT grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon Oct 24 04:58:11 EDT 2005

According to the output of the "proj -lP" command:
gnom : Gnomonic
        Azi, Sph.
gnomonic projection can only be used with a spherical earth model. So you 
are going to get undefined behaviour / errors if re-projecting between an 
ellipsoid and a sphere.

Unfortunately I don't know enough to be able to explain it any better than 

One last thing you could try to get the results you want would be to add the 
towgs84: 0,0,0
to both the PROJ_INFO files for your two locations you are re-projecting 
from/to, before running v.proj. It might fool PROJ into doing some extra 
ellipsoid/sphere conversions; I don't know.

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