[GRASS5] [bug #4262] (grass) r.prof

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Apr 7 07:54:45 EDT 2006

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4262

Subject: r.prof

Platform: WindowsNT/2000/XP
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries
GRASS Version: GRASS 6.0.0 (2005)

I would like the functionality so that multiple displayed rasters (in the same monitor) may be profiled simultaneeously.  Ideally, graphical output in a window similar to d.profile would be ideal so the different (co-located) profiles could be viewed in addition to an outputted ascii file of distance versus the z values for the different rasters.



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