[GRASS5] gis.m as default GUI

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 24 03:08:33 EDT 2006

> > 1.v.digit is working again (it IS working on my Mac, but I don't know
> > about anyone else) and 
> it is working for me on Debian/Stable i386. (I never saw it broken)

oh that's from the command line, from gis.m draw icon:

child process exited abnormally
child process exited abnormally
    while executing
"exec -- d.mon select=x1 >& /dev/null"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval exec -- $cmd $args >& /dev/null"
    (procedure "run" line 6)
    invoked from within
"run d.mon select=x1"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval run $cmd $args"
    (procedure "runcmd" line 6)
    invoked from within
"runcmd "d.mon select=x$xmon""
    invoked from within
"if ![catch {open "|d.mon -L" r} input] {
			while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
            	if {[regexp -nocase "$xmon.*not running" $line]} {
    (procedure "GmVector::WorkOnVector" line 28)
    invoked from within
"GmVector::WorkOnVector $sel 0"
    ("vector" arm line 2)
    invoked from within
"switch $type {
        raster {
        Gm::xmon term r.digit
        vector {
	    GmVector::WorkOnVector $sel 0
    (procedure "GmTree::vedit" line 16)
    invoked from within
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel \#0 $cmd"
    (procedure "Button::_release" line 18)
    invoked from within
"Button::_release .mainframe.topf.tb1.bbox5.b0"
    (command bound to event)


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