[GRASS-dev] Re: gis.m: another 2 region bugs [was: gis.m: 2 region handling bugs]

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Wed Aug 30 11:43:54 EDT 2006


Thanks for the input. See below.

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

> From: Maciej Sieczka <tutey at o2.pl>
> Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 14:29:57 +0200
> To: Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>
> Cc: grass-dev <grass-dev at grass.itc.it>, Jarek Jasiewicz <jarekj at amu.edu.pl>
> Subject: gis.m: another 2 region bugs [was: gis.m: 2 region handling bugs]
> Michael,
> In current 6.3 CVS these 2 bugs are solved. Also the region is alligned
> to resolution now when it should. Excellent, thanks! I think respective
> fixes should be backported to 6.2.
> But, I have found another 2 bugs:
> # BUG1: when more than 1 Map Display is used, it is impossible to zoom
> in/out properly.
> To reproduce:
> 1. grass63 -text, use spearfish60
> 2. g.region rast=slope -a
> 3. start gis.m
> 4. add raster 'slope', display it
> 5. start a 2nd Map Display
> 6. add a different raster here, e.g. 'landuse', display it
> 7. now zoom in/out a couple of times - once on the Map Display 1 and
> once on Map Display 2
> After 2nd/3rd zooming in/out you'll see that either Map Display follows
> the rectangle you tell it to zoom to anymore.
> Maybe display geometries of different Map Displays get mixed, ?

I did this but can't reproduce your error. However, check the following.

I didn't try to switch between the maps fast. Check the layer tree to make
sure that the correct map is registering the focus before zooming. On my Mac
G5, that can take a half second or so. It may take longer on your computer.
You can see the layer tree switch. If this switch hasn't happened, it indeed
can get confused about which zoom values are being used. AFAIK, there is no
way to speed up this switching.

Also, note that the switching is controlled by the cursor being over a map
window and that window being on the top of the stack. If map windows are
overlapping substantially on your screen, it could cause some internal (or
external ;-)) region confusion. Again, giving the map a moment to switch
between displays should help.

I don't particularly like using the mouse position to switch between
displays. I would prefer to have the user actively click a window to make it
the active one. However, this was necessary because TclTk has no bindings
that will serve for the entire map display window and its frame. So if you
clicked in the wrong place, the map would not be activated.

> # BUG2 Shouldn't the "Region:" information at the bottom of each Map
> Display window update as I zoom/pan? Currently it doesn't, which looks
> weird IMO, even if it is intended.

Oddly, it turns out that the resolution IS updated but the rows and columns
are not. This probably got mucked up in fixing the region setting for
latlon. I'll try to get it straightened out.


> Maciek

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