[GRASS-dev] Re: winGRASS

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Mon Dec 18 13:45:00 EST 2006

Glynn Clements wrote:

> 1. proj-parms.table
> One line for each known projection. A sample entry:
> 	AEA:LAT0=ask,23.0;LAT1=ask,29.5;LAT2=ask,45.5;LON0=ask,-96.0;X0=ask,0.0;Y0=ask,0.0

> Ideally, this file should be extended to include a more verbose form
> of the projection's name. This can probably be done fairly easily
> using the output from "proj -lp". I'll look into this part.

I've done this part, with the projection's full name between the
abbreviated name and the parameter descriptions, so the format is now

	AEA:Albers Equal Area:LAT0=ask,23.0;LAT1=ask,29.5;LAT2=ask,45.5;LON0=ask,-96.0;X0=ask,0.0;Y0=ask,0.0

> 3. proj-units.table

> I'm not sure how this is used by g.setproj, but it can't be that
> critical because the code actually tries to load proj-unit.table
> (missing "s"). I'll fix this.


As for why it wasn't noticed, that's probably because most people just
press Enter to use the default (meter/meters), which skips the use of
that table.

BTW, I'm wondering whether the following entries should be kept:


I presume that these were included as a joke, given that microns are
included yet millimetres are omitted.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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