[GRASS5] [bug #4075] (grass) grass and postgis issue

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Thu Feb 9 14:11:13 EST 2006

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4075

Subject: grass and postgis issue

Platform: Mac OSX
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: cvs 2006 

I am working with postgis tables and GRASS and have found what may be a bug.

If I try and read a postgis table (with geometry columns and spatial indexing into GRASS, I get a new 
vector but the associated postgis table has no geometry or spatial indexing. For exmaple: 

postgis output from Tyler Ms postgis example in "Web Mapping":

project1=# \d countyp020
                                   Table "public.countyp020"
   Column   |         Type          |                        Modifiers                         
 gid        | integer               | not null default nextval('countyp020_gid_seq'::regclass)
 area       | double precision      | 
 perimeter  | double precision      | 
 countyp020 | bigint                | 
 state      | character varying(2)  | 
 county     | character varying(50) | 
 fips       | character varying(5)  | 
 state_fips | character varying(2)  | 
 square_mil | double precision      | 
 the_geom   | geometry              | 
    "countyp020_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gid)
    "idx_countyp020_geo" gist (the_geom)
    "idx_countyp020_gid" btree (gid)
Check constraints:
    "enforce_dims_the_geom" CHECK (ndims(the_geom) = 2)
    "enforce_geotype_the_geom" CHECK (geometrytype(the_geom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text OR 
the_geom IS NULL)
    "enforce_srid_the_geom" CHECK (srid(the_geom) = -1)

However, reading the table back into GRASS with either pgsql2shp, then v.in.ogr on the shapefile, or 
directly into GRASS with v.in.ogr on the postgis table, results in a new postgis table that looks like 

project1=# \d countyp020_postgis
        Table "public.countyp020_postgis"
   Column   |          Type          | Modifiers 
 cat        | integer                | 
 gid        | integer                | 
 area       | double precision       | 
 perimeter  | double precision       | 
 countyp020 | integer                | 
 state      | character varying(255) | 
 county     | character varying(255) | 
 fips       | character varying(255) | 
 state_fips | character varying(255) | 
 square_mil | double precision       | 
    "countyp020_postgis_cat" UNIQUE, btree (cat)


project1=# \d countyp020_grass
        Table "public.countyp020_grass"
   Column   |         Type          | Modifiers 
 cat        | integer               | 
 area       | double precision      | 
 perimeter  | double precision      | 
 countyp020 | double precision      | 
 state      | character varying(2)  | 
 county     | character varying(50) | 
 fips       | character varying(5)  | 
 state_fips | character varying(2)  | 
 square_mil | double precision      | 
    "countyp020_grass_cat" UNIQUE, btree (cat)

Notice the lack of geometry and idexes in both posgis tables. Also, the difference in type lengths 
(character 5 vs 250 for fips). 

Additionally, if I add the geometry and idexing in posgis (once it has been read into GRASS and is 
therefor connected to the GRASS vector with bd.connect, and then try and copy or rename the vector 
with g.copy or g.rename, I get the following error:

> g.rename vect=mn_btvegpt_byspp,mn_btvegpt
RENAME [mn_btvegpt_byspp] to [mn_btvegpt]
WARNING: pg driver: column 'the_geometry', type 16651 is not supported
WARNING: pg driver: column 'the_geometry', type 16651 is not supported

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