February 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Feb 1 01:49:27 EDT 2006
Ending: Tue Feb 28 17:51:19 EDT 2006
Messages: 436
- [GRASS5] Re: BTS, what was that?
Māris Nartišs
- [GRASS5] GRASS 3D features query
marcos boullón magán
- [GRASS5] GRASS 3D features query (2nd try)
marcos boullón magán
- [GRASS5] r.to.rast3 and r.info
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASSLIST:10222] Re: [GRASS5] r.to.rast3 and r.info
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS5] GRASS testsuite issue
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS5] GRASS testsuite issue
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS5] v.out.ascii modification
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS5] v.out.vtk and r3.out.vtk
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS5] Video tutorials
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS5] Video tutorials again
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS5] 3d vector export
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS5] Windows port continues
Andrea Antonello
- [GRASS5] Windows port continues
Andrea Antonello
- [GRASS5] [bug #4049] (grass) d.m: dozens of d.mon zombies
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] updates to gism2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10124] RE: updates to gism2 - Feb2, 2006
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10120] updates to gism2 - Feb2, 2006
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10124] RE: updates to gism2 - Feb2, 2006
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4052] (grass) gis.m: d.vect.thematic legend window
interferes with map window
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4055] (grass) Skript / module to create new chart
vector themes
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4052] (grass) gis.m: d.vect.thematic legend window
interferes with map window
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4049] (grass) d.m: dozens of d.mon zombies
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4052] (grass) gis.m: d.vect.thematic legend window
interferes with map window
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4065] (grass) gis.m: displaying a map automatically
switches resolution back to default
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4066] (grass) gis.m: black background
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4065] (grass) gis.m: displaying a map automatically
switches resolution back to default
Michael Barton
- [GRASSLIST:10205] Re: [GRASS5] Update from Chicago meeting
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New Script Submission on Grass WIKI: d.hyperlink
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4078] (grass) gis.m: 'bad file format' opening any
*.dm/*.dmrc file
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4079] (grass) Malloc errors with nviz
elev=elevation.dem vect=roads
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4066] (grass) gis.m: black background
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASSLIST:10282] Re: [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS
Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4049] (grass) d.m: dozens of d.mon zombies
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and updates
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4049] (grass) d.m: dozens of d.mon zombies
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4100] (grass) UI errors in GIS Manager
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] dm and gism in the cvs
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: d.barscale
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Gism command console
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] d.polar added
Michael Barton
- [GRASSLIST:10395] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Michael Barton
- [GRASSLIST:10395] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Thanks: gis.m and d.m in cvs
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] dm and gism in the cvs
Michael Barton
- [GRASSLIST:10395] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Michael Barton
- [GRASSLIST:10423] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Michael Barton
- [GRASSLIST:10424] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] team-page
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10453] gis.m run failure
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10454] Re: gis.m run failure
Michael Barton
- [GRASSLIST:10435] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Michael Barton
- [GRASSLIST:10503] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4111] (grass) d.m crashes
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] d.m and d.mon fail after cvs update
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Barscale bar is empty
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] d.m and d.mon fail after cvs update
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10372] QGIS/GRASS for Windows 060217
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] [bug #4118] (grass) can not use d.erase -f
Michael Barton
- [GRASS5] db_get_value_...
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] BTS, what was that?
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] [bug #4055] (grass) Skript / module to create new chart vector themes
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] Win32: _fmode and DLL
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10145] Re: v.to.db option=query: issue with 2 layers and multiple categories
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] mingW: how to exclude win32_pipes.c & user_config.c from compilation?
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] mingW: how to exclude win32_pipes.c & user_config.c from compilation?
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] VC++
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10372] QGIS/GRASS for Windows 060217
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS5] expressions in d.vect.thematic
Daniel Calvelo
- [GRASS5] GRASS testsuite issue
Daniel Calvelo
- [GRASSLIST:10291] Re: [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Daniel Calvelo
- [GRASS5] GRASS Project Steering Committee and more
Paolo Cavallini
- [GRASS5] v.trees3d
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS5] v.in.ogr: segfaul
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS5] v.in.ogr: segfaul
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS5] v.in.ogr: segfaul
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS5] [bug #4066] (grass) gis.m: black background
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS5] Swig interface for Grass
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS5] r.in.wms 2nd release
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] v.in.ogr: segfaul
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] R_cont_rel & R_polygon_rel
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] current position
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] current position
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] dm and gism in the cvs
Huidae Cho
- G_plot_polygon() suggestion for vector areas
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10387] Re: G_plot_polygon() suggestion for vector areas
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] Transparency added
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] [bug #4101] (grass) g.list: Floating point exception
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10403] Transparency added
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10566] Re: g.list - unsorted
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS5] ISO C90 does not support `long long'
Glynn Clements
- [Fwd: Re: [GRASS5] ISO C90 does not support `long long']
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Win32: _fmode and DLL
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Display Driver Updates
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: Display Driver Updates
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4052] (grass) gis.m: d.vect.thematic legend window
interferes with map window
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Compilation errors with grassCVS from yesterday evening
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4066] (grass) gis.m: black background
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] g|r.region
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] parser problems: parameter creation
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] g|r.region
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4065] (grass) gis.m: displaying a map automatically
switches resolution back to default
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4071] (grass) d.what.rast strange values outside of map area
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] mingW: how to exclude win32_pipes.c & user_config.c from compilation?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] GRASS Project Steering Committee and more
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4077] (grass) r.region: region option missdescribed
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Problem compiling with gdal and/or fftw
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4066] (grass) gis.m: black background
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] mingW: how to exclude win32_pipes.c & user_config.c from compilation?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4082] (grass) libgrass_driver is not built
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] mingW: how to exclude win32_pipes.c & user_config.c from compilation?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Problem compiling with gdal and/or fftw
Glynn Clements
- [GRASSLIST:10291] Re: [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS
Manager 2
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10304] Re: New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASSLIST:10317] Re: [GRASS5] GRASS Project Steering Committee and more
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] R_cont_rel & R_polygon_rel
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] current position
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] current position
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4056] (grass) db.test fails on sqlite driver
Glynn Clements
- [GRASSLIST:10395] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and updates
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4056] (grass) db.test fails on sqlite driver
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10398] Re: G_plot_polygon() suggestion for vector areas
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10405] Transparency added
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10403] Transparency added
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10403] Transparency added
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4103] (grass) g.list floating point exception
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10403] Transparency added
Glynn Clements
- [GRASSLIST:10423] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes
and updates
Glynn Clements
- [GRASSLIST:10424] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Glynn Clements
- [GRASSLIST:10435] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Glynn Clements
- [GRASSLIST:10424] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10454] Re: gis.m run failure
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] r.terraflow failure
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] r.terraflow failure
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] version.h.in broken
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] recent cvs d.m gis.m errors
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4110] (grass) v.digit: Could not set Tcl system encoding to
Glynn Clements
- [GRASSLIST:10435] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4111] (grass) d.m crashes
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] d.m and d.mon fail after cvs update
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] d.m and d.mon fail after cvs update
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Barscale bar is empty
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] d.m and d.mon fail after cvs update
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4118] (grass) can not use d.erase -f
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4118] (grass) can not use d.erase -f
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] [bug #4118] (grass) can not use d.erase -f
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10616] FWD: [OSGeo-Discuss] Incubation Committee / Contributor Agreements]
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS5] Re: NVIZ and 'bg'/'fg' commands: stalled
Bob Covill
- [GRASS5] r.terraflow failure
Andrew Danner
- [GRASS5] r.terraflow failure
Andrew Danner
- [GRASS5] recent cvs d.m gis.m errors
Andrew Danner
- [GRASS5] pointer.gif missing?
Andrew Danner
- [GRASS5] Wiki Grass Translation Glossary
Otto Dassau
- [Fwd: Re: [GRASS5] ISO C90 does not support `long long']
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS5] g|r.region
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS5] g|r.region
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS5] GRASS Project Steering Committee and more
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS5] Grass6.0 cant find pq.dll
EEDecisions at netscape.net
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10443] Video tutorials
Christian Ferreira
- [GRASS5] Re: [DebianGIS] Build-indep (was [GRASSLIST:10072] debian compilation
Steve Halasz
- [GRASS5] [bug #4118] (grass) can not use d.erase -f
- [GRASS5] [bug #4121] (grass) no fftw.h and dfftw.h even after
installing FFTW-3.1
- [GRASS5] Update from Chicago meeting
Stephan Holl
- [GRASSLIST:10204] Re: [GRASS5] Update from Chicago meeting
Stephan Holl
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Stephan Holl
- [GRASS5] Directed Graph Lib Headers (dglib)
Stephan Holl
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Stephan Holl
- [GRASS5] r.carve segfaulting in UTM-locations
Stephan Holl
- [GRASS5] Segfault of v.in.ogr with OGR-layer
Stephan Holl
- [GRASS5] r.carve segfaulting in UTM-locations
Stephan Holl
- [GRASS5] Segfault of v.in.ogr with OGR-layer
Stephan Holl
- [GRASS5] v.in.ogr PRJ issue
Stephan Holl
- [GRASS5] The Swig interface
Ari Jolma
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS5] updates to gism2
William Kyngesburye
- [GRASSLIST:10281] Re: [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
William Kyngesburye
- [GRASS5] d_vect dotted
Martin Landa
- [GRASS5] Re: d_vect dotted
Martin Landa
- [GRASS5] r.reclass.area -- new units parameter
Martin Landa
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10403] Transparency added
Martin Landa
- [GRASS5] Compilation errors with grassCVS from yesterday evening
Marco Lechner
- [GRASS5] [bug #4055] (grass) Skript / module to create new chart
vector themes
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] [bug #4055] (grass) Skript / module to create new chart
vector themes
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] [bug #4052] (grass) gis.m: d.vect.thematic legend
window interferes with map window
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] Re: Display Driver Updates
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] Re: Display Driver Updates
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] Re: Display Driver Updates
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] Re: Display Driver Updates
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] [bug #4066] (grass) gis.m: black background
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] [bug #4052] (grass) gis.m: d.vect.thematic legend window
interferes with map window
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] Update from Chicago meeting
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] [bug #4066] (grass) gis.m: black background
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] [bug #4075] (grass) grass and postgis issue
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] expressions in d.vect.thematic
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] [bug #4075] (grass) grass and postgis issue
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] [bug #4075] (grass) grass and postgis issue
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] Installing GRASS on Windows XP
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS5] BTS, what was that?
Francesco P. Lovergine
- [GRASS5] ISO C90 does not support `long long'
Francesco P. Lovergine
- [GRASS5] Build-indep (was [GRASSLIST:10072] debian compilation (r.sim.water))
Francesco Paolo Lovergine
- [GRASS5] Re: BTS, what was that?
Francesco Paolo Lovergine
- [GRASSLIST:10204] Re: [GRASS5] Update from Chicago meeting
Helena Mitasova
- [GRASS5] compile error grass6 CVS lib/gis/grid_dist[12].c MacOSX
Scott Mitchell
- [GRASS5] compile error grass6 CVS lib/gis/grid_dist[12].c MacOSX
Scott Mitchell
- [GRASS5] [bug #4082] (grass) libgrass_driver is not built
Lorenzo Moretti
- [GRASS5] Re: GRASS testsuite issue
Maris Nartiss
- [GRASS5] Re: mouse in gis.m (was: gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and updates)
Maris Nartiss
- [GRASS5] ISO C90 does not support `long long'
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] ISO C90 does not support `long long'
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: BTS, what was that?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] 755 on /usr/local/grass-6.1.cvs/docs/html/*.png
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10095] Re: a couple new errors with today's 6.1 CVS
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [DebianGIS] Build-indep
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] d.what.rast strange values outside of map
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Chicago meeting: now...
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Chicago meeting: now...
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] parser problems: parameter creation
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Update from Chicago meeting
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] parser problems: parameter creation
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] g|r.region
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4064] (grass) r.in.srtm: doesn't work, though it's a latlong WGS84 projection
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: BTS, what was that?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4044] (grass) v.to.db: manual suggests 'type=area', however 'Error: value <area> out of range'
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Update from Chicago meeting
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Foundation Website running
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] r.mapcalc and d.what.rast bug
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4070] (grass) r.in.srtm fails to assign null() to nodata properly - propably a GDAL bug
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4071] (grass) d.what.rast strange values outside of map area
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] r.to.rast3 and r.info
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4074] (grass) Grass does not built libgrass_interpfl
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4071] (grass) d.what.rast strange values outside of map area
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] dglib: subtle differences
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4072] (grass) i.points, i.vpoints: ERROR reading from graphics driver.
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASS-CVS] cho: grass6/display/d.profile main.c,2.2,2.3
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] mingW: how to exclude win32_pipes.c & user_config.c from compilation?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] GRASS Project Steering Committee and more
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] GRASS Project Steering Committee and more
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] mingW: how to exclude win32_pipes.c & user_config.c from compilation?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] v.in.ogr: segfaul
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Problem compiling with gdal and/or fftw
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10207] Foundation Website running
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Problem compiling with gdal and/or fftw
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4066] (grass) gis.m: black background
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] mingW: how to exclude win32_pipes.c & user_config.c from compilation?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] FWD - [OSGeo-Discuss] Formal Call For Nominations
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Swig interface for Grass
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] d.polar added
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] GRASS Project Steering Committee and more
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4021] (grass) error compiling r.le.setup in cvs
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10341] i.vpoints can't read temp files
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4056] (grass) db.test fails on sqlite driver
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASS-CVS] michael: grass6/display/gis.m Makefile,1.4,1.5 barscale.gif,1.2,1.3 barscale.tcl,1.4,1.5 chart.gif,1.2,1.3 chart.tcl,1.4,1.5 cmd.gif,1.2,1.3 cmd.tcl,1.4,1.5 columns.gif,1.2,1.3 copy.gif,1.2,1.3 cut.gif,1.2,1.3 dig.gif,1.2,1.3
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] FWD: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2006 Conference in Lausanne
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4056] (grass) db.test fails on sqlite driver
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASS-CVS] michael: grass6/display/d.m barscale.tcl,1.7,1.8
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] dm and gism in the cvs
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] gis.m and d.m gone
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Email/List issues 18 Feb 2006
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] gis.m and d.m gone
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] NVIZ and 'bg'/'fg' commands: stalled
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: NVIZ and 'bg'/'fg' commands: stalled
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] compile error grass6 CVS lib/gis/grid_dist[12].c MacOSX
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10372] QGIS/GRASS for Windows 060217
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4108] (grass) i.vpoints doesn't zoom in raster
and vector
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] FWD: [OSGeo-Discuss] Call for Votes for New Members
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] GRASS GIS 6.0.2 released
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4118] (grass) can not use d.erase -f
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] v.out.vtk with faces now
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] v.in.ogr PRJ issue
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] FWD: [OSGeo-Discuss] Incubation Committee / Contributor Agreements]
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] [bug #4118] (grass) can not use d.erase -f
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] GRASS 3D features query (2nd try)
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS5] New Script Submission on Grass WIKI: d.hyperlink
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS5] New Script Submission on Grass WIKI: d.hyperlink
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS5] New Script Submission on Grass WIKI: d.hyperlink
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS5] [bug #4064] (grass) r.in.srtm: doesn't work, though it's a latlong WGS84 projection
guest user via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4044] (grass) v.to.db: manual suggests 'type=area', however 'Error: value <area> out of range'
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4044] (grass) v.to.db: manual suggests 'type=area', however 'Error: value <area> out of range'
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4049] (grass) d.m: dozens of d.mon zombies
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4069] (grass) r.carve: output identical to input and segfault when using points=
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4070] (grass) r.in.srtm fails to assign null() to nodata properly - propably a GDAL bug
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4064] (grass) r.in.srtm: doesn't work, though it's a latlong WGS84 projection
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works partialy
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4076] (grass) r.bilinear: does it work correctly ?
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4021] (grass) error compiling r.le.setup in cvs
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4056] (grass) db.test fails on sqlite driver
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4049] (grass) d.m: dozens of d.mon zombies
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4053] (grass) wanted module: r.out.xyz
Markus Neteler via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4079] (grass) Malloc errors with nviz elev=elevation.dem vect=roads
Markus Neteler via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4101] (grass) g.list: Floating point exception
Markus Neteler via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4063] (grass) r.colors be able to make grey.eq and gray.log on float raster
Markus Neteler via RT
- [GRASS5] [bug #4101] (grass) g.list: Floating point exception
Markus Neteler via RT
- [GRASS5] Re: BTS, what was that?
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS5] dm and gism in the cvs
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS5] gis.m and d.m gone
Bernhard Reiter
- ViewCVS directly shows changes (was: [GRASS5] Thanks: gis.m and d.m in cvs)
Bernhard Reiter
- CVS moving files (was: [GRASS5] dm and gism in the cvs)
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS5] dm and gism in the cvs
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS5] Problem compiling with gdal and/or fftw
Michael Rensing
- [GRASS5] Problem compiling with gdal and/or fftw
Michael Rensing
- [GRASS5] Problem compiling with gdal and/or fftw
Michael Rensing
- [GRASS5] Importing USGS DEM
Michael Rensing
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:9183] sqlite driver - remarks and questions
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10145] Re: v.to.db option=query: issue with 2 layers
and multiple categories
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10145] Re: v.to.db option=query: issue with 2 layers
and multiple categories
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4049] (grass) d.m: dozens of d.mon zombies
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] g|r.region
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] [bug #4072] (grass) i.points, i.vpoints: ERROR reading
from graphics driver.
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] [bug #3876] (grass) g.proj: proj4= fails, wkt= works
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] [bug #4076] (grass) r.bilinear: does it work correctly
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10245] Re: v.in.ascii quirk
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] GRASS 6.0.1: Error in startup script: dynamic loading
is not currently available on this syst
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10341] i.vpoints can't read temp files
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10341] i.vpoints can't read temp files
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] [bug #4101] (grass) g.list: Floating point exception
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] gis.m and d.m gone
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Transparency added
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASSLIST:10420] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes
and updates
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] mouse in gis.m (was: gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes and updates)
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASSLIST:10435] Re: [GRASS5] gis manager 2 rc3 - bug fixes
and updates
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10464] Re: gis.m run failure
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] r.carve segfaulting in UTM-locations
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] r.carve segfaulting in UTM-locations
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10551] g.list - unsorted
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10567] Re: g.list - unsorted
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] [bug #4121] (grass) no fftw.h and dfftw.h even after
installing FFTW-3.1
Maciek Sieczka
- [GRASS5] GRASS Project Steering Committee and more
Michael Tiemann
- [GRASS5] [bug #4052] (grass) gis.m: d.vect.thematic legend window interferes with map window
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4053] (grass) wanted module: r.out.xyz
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4054] (grass) gis
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4055] (grass) Skript / module to create new chart vector themes
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4056] (grass) db.test fails on sqlite driver
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4057] (grass) Ability to save workspace folders as 'closed'
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4060] (grass) gism2:
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4062] (grass) gis.m: cannot increase size of map display
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4063] (grass) r.colors be able to make grey.eq and gray.log on float raster
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4064] (grass) r.in.srtm: doesn't work, though it's a latlong WGS84 projection
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4065] (grass) gis.m: displaying a map automatically switches resolution back to default
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4066] (grass) gis.m: black background
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4067] (grass) for windows XP
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4068] (grass) for windows XP
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4069] (grass) r.carve: output identical to input and segfault when using points=
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4070] (grass) r.in.srtm fails to assign null() to nodata properly - propably a GDAL bug
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4071] (grass) d.what.rast strange values outside of map area
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4072] (grass) i.points, i.vpoints: ERROR reading from graphics driver.
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4074] (grass) Grass does not built libgrass_interpfl
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4075] (grass) grass and postgis issue
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4076] (grass) r.bilinear: does it work correctly ?
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4077] (grass) r.region: region option missdescribed
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4078] (grass) gis.m: 'bad file format' opening any *.dm/*.dmrc file
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4079] (grass) Malloc errors with nviz elev=elevation.dem vect=roads
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4082] (grass) libgrass_driver is not built
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4083] (grass) db.select: fails for dbf tables from external mapsets
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4085] (grass) Error in startup script for Grass 6.1cvs Feb.11th Generic Linux binary
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4089] (grass) r.out.gdal doesn't handle multiple creation options correctly
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4095] (grass) SIGSEGV in Vect_cidx_find_next
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4097] (grass) Wrong example in v.patch description
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4098] (grass) v.out.ascii with tuncated coordiantes
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4100] (grass) UI errors in GIS Manager
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4101] (grass) g.list: Floating point exception
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4103] (grass) g.list floating point exception
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4108] (grass) i.vpoints doesn't zoom in raster and vector
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4110] (grass) v.digit: Could not set Tcl system encoding to
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4111] (grass) d.m crashes
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4113] (grass) Inconsistent language
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4114] (grass) v.digit: missing data types in table creation dialog
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4115] (grass) evelyn
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4117] (grass) no /etc/monitorcap in grass6.1.cvs-i686-pc-linux-gnu-20_02_2006
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4118] (grass) can not use d.erase -f
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4121] (grass) no fftw.h and dfftw.h even after installing FFTW-3.1
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4122] (grass) r.in.gdal won't import some data into lat long projections
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] [bug #4123] (grass) v.in.ogr PROJ recognition bug
Request Tracker
- [GRASS5] Re: [bug #4064] (grass) r.in.srtm: doesn't work, though it's a latlong WGS84 projection
Frank Warmerdam
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Frank Warmerdam
- [GRASS5] GRASS-header-file locations changed?
Frank Warmerdam
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10619] Re: FWD: [OSGeo-Discuss] Incubation Committee
/ Contributor Agreements]
Frank Warmerdam
- [GRASS5] team-page
Martin Wegmann
- [GRASS5] The GRASS-Team page
Martin Wegmann
- [GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10276] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2
Trevor Wiens
- [GRASS5] [bug #4075] (grass) grass and postgis issue
Kirk R. Wythers
- [GRASS5] [bug #4075] (grass) grass and postgis issue
Kirk R. Wythers
- [GRASS5] grass and postgis
Kirk R. Wythers
- [GRASS5] r.composit?
Kirk R. Wythers
- [GRASS5] r.composit?
Kirk R. Wythers
- [GRASS5] d.m and d.mon fail after cvs update
Kirk R. Wythers
- [GRASS5] d.m and d.mon fail after cvs update
Kirk R. Wythers
- [GRASS5] v.in.ogr PRJ issue
Kirk R. Wythers
- [GRASS5] r.terraflow failure
- [GRASS5] r.terraflow failure
- [GRASS5] r.terraflow failure
- [GRASS5] Re: Importing USGS DEM
roger at spinn.net
- [GRASS5] VC++
- [GRASS5] GRASS 6.0.1: Error in startup script: dynamic loading is not currently available on this syst
christopher tongco
- [GRASS5] GRASS 6.0.1: Error in startup script: dynamic loading is not currently available on this syst
christopher tongco
- [GRASS5] gsds.c MAX_DS 100
christopher tongco
Last message date:
Tue Feb 28 17:51:19 EDT 2006
Archived on: Wed Nov 14 13:59:05 EDT 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).