[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:10464] Re: gis.m run failure
Maciek Sieczka
werchowyna at epf.pl
Tue Feb 21 15:04:20 EST 2006
On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 02:16:18 -0700
Tom Russo <russo at bogodyn.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 01:10:17AM -0700, we recorded a
> bogon-computron collision of the <michael.barton at asu.edu> flavor,
> containing:
> > I've been working with 8.4.x for quite awhile with no problems on
> > the Mac platform.
> >
> > Is there any reason now to stay with 8.3? (nviz? Other?)
> The one thing I ever heard of as a problem was NVIZ, and it was the
> first thing I tried once switching to 8.4 --- as far as I can tell on
> cursory examination, it does work on my system. For me, staying with
> 8.3 was mostly superstition --- some time ago there were strong
> warnings not to try to use tcl/tk 8.4, and I never tried. There are
> still warnings in the REQUIREMENTS.html file that some versions of
> Linux still need 8.3.
It is about Debian based distros. 8.4 used to work fine for me in
Mandrake with NVIZ. On Ubuntu Hoary I had problems - 8.3 was required
for NVIZ to run. Same as for other users (see grasslist archives). I
haven't tried 8.4 with NVIZ on my current Ubuntu Breezy yet being
aware of problems in Ubuntu Hoary and Debian.
> I did see a few odd behaviors in gis.m (at one point I "cut" the last
> layer out of the list and the thing went into some sort of infinite
> loop) but I didn't play around enough to see if they were
> reproducible.
There are reports in bugtracker regarding infinite loops in tcl/tk
I used to get this error from time to time on Mandrake using tcl/tk
8.4 with different commands. And there are at least 2 reports more of
this bug by other users in grasslist archives (both for v.in.ogr) and in
grass5 archive: 1 for v.in.ogr and 1 r.flow. So it seems pretty common.
Interestingly, since I switched to Ubuntu and tcl/tk 8.3, as it is
required for a Debian fork to be able to run NVIZ, I've never had this
issue anymore. This could be a coincidence, but it might seem that 8.3
is less prone to this problem than 8.4. Can somebody confirm or deny?
> I just fiddled around a little to see what was there,
> but didn't really try to do anything for real.
W polskim Internecie s? setki milion?w stron. My przekazujemy Tobie tylko najlepsze z nich!
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