[GRASS5] [bug #4121] (grass) no fftw.h and dfftw.h even after
installing FFTW-3.1
hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 28 16:33:14 EST 2006
> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4121
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: no fftw.h and dfftw.h even after installing FFTW-3.1
> My name is Chi Au. I'm trying to install Grass 6.0.2 from the source
> code. I've installed successfully the FFTW-3.1 and supplied the
> include and lib directories for the configure options. But Grass is
> searching for fftw.h and dfftw.h which I cannot find anywhere in the
> Fedora Core 4 system. The error message is like this:
GRASS requires FFTW 2.x, it has not yet been updated to use FFTW 3.
see http://grass.ibiblio.org/grass60/source/REQUIREMENTS.html
To have this update done is a long-standing & outstanding wish.
There are official(?) fftw 2.1.5(?) packages about for FC4.
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