[GRASS5] New release candidate 3 of GIS Manager 2

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Mon Feb 13 19:09:13 EST 2006

I've fixed the errors reported below and updated them to the cvs. I can't
get at my web site to repost the zip file of these changes.

I include the updated small *.tcl files if anyone wants to update without
going through the cvs.
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

> - When trying to use the text tool, I get:
> can't read "anchor": no such variable
>      while executing
> "$can($mon) create text $opt($id,xcoord) $opt($id,ycoord)  -anchor
> $anchor  -justify $opt($id,justify)  -width $opt($id,width)  -fill
> $opt($id,fill)  -..."
> (I assume it is the "Add text layer" button.)

I. Click "Pan" tool.
II. Left-click+hold button on the canvas but _don't_ drag.
III. Release the button.

can't read "to_x": no such variable
can't read "to_x": no such variable
    while executing
"scrx2mape $to_x"
    (procedure "MapCanvas::pan" line 11)
    invoked from within
"MapCanvas::pan $mon"
    (command bound to event)

My destop switcher freezes, using over 90% CPU, have to kill and
restart it to continue Gnome operation (Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy/Gnome).

-------------- next part --------------
# maptext.tcl - TclTk canvas text layer options file for GRASS GIS Manager
# February 2006 Michael Barton, Arizona State University

namespace eval GmCtext {
    variable array opt # ctext options
    variable count 1

proc GmCtext::create { tree parent } {
    variable opt
    variable count
    global gmpath
    global frm

    set node "ctext:$count"

    set frm [ frame .ctexticon$count]
    set fon [font create -size 10] 
    set check [checkbutton $frm.check -font $fon \
                           -variable GmCtext::opt($count,_check) \
                           -height 1 -padx 0 -width 0]

    image create photo ctico -file "$gmpath/maptext.gif"
    set ico [label $frm.ico -image ctico -bd 1 -relief raised]
    pack $check $ico -side left
    $tree insert end $parent $node \
	-text  "text layer $count"\
	-window    $frm \
	-drawcross auto  
    set opt($count,_check) 1 

    set opt($count,text) "" 
    set opt($count,xcoord) 100
    set opt($count,ycoord) 100
    set opt($count,font) "times 12" 
    set opt($count,fill) \#000000 
    set opt($count,width)  100
    set opt($count,anchor) "center_left" 
    set opt($count,justify) "left" 
    set opt($count,coordinates) "pixels" 
    incr count
    return $node

proc GmCtext::select_font { id } {
	global mon
	global frm
	variable opt
    set fon [SelectFont $frm.font -type dialog -sampletext 1 -title "Select font"]
	if { $fon != "" } {set opt($id,font) $fon}

proc GmCtext::set_option { node key value } {
    variable opt
    set id [GmTree::node_id $node]
    set opt($id,$key) $value

# ctext options
proc GmCtext::options { id frm } {
    variable opt
    global gmpath
    global bgcolor

    # Panel heading
    set row [ frame $frm.heading ]
    Label $row.a -text "Display text" \
    	-fg MediumBlue
    pack $row.a -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes

    # text
    set row [ frame $frm.text ]
    Label $row.a -text "Text to display:"
    LabelEntry $row.b -textvariable GmCtext::opt($id,text) -width 50 \
            -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes
    # coordinates1
    set row [ frame $frm.east_north ]
    Label $row.a -text "Text placement:   x & y coordinates (from upper left) "
    LabelEntry $row.b -textvariable GmCtext::opt($id,xcoord) -width 8 \
            -entrybg white
    LabelEntry $row.c -textvariable GmCtext::opt($id,ycoord) -width 8 \
            -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b $row.c -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes
    # coordinates2
    set row [ frame $frm.textcoord2 ]
    Label $row.a -text [G_msg "     coordinate type for text placement"] 
    ComboBox $row.b -padx 2 -width 10 -textvariable GmCtext::opt($id,coordinates) \
                    -values {"pixels" "percent" "geographic" } -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes
    # text options1
    set row [ frame $frm.textopt1 ]
    Label $row.a -text [G_msg "     align text with coordinate point  "] 
    ComboBox $row.b -padx 2 -width 12 -textvariable GmCtext::opt($id,anchor) \
                    -values {"lower_left" "bottom_center" "lower_right" "center_left" "center" 
                    "center_right" "upper_left" "top_center" "upper_right" } \
                    -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes

    # text options2
    set row [ frame $frm.textopt2 ]
    Label $row.a -text [G_msg "     justification"] 
    ComboBox $row.b -padx 2 -width 7 -textvariable GmCtext::opt($id,justify) \
                    -values {"left" "center" "right"} -entrybg white
    Label $row.c -text "  line width"
    LabelEntry $row.d -textvariable GmCtext::opt($id,width) -width 5 \
            -entrybg white
    pack $row.a $row.b $row.c $row.d -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes
    # select font
    set row [ frame $frm.font ]
    Label $row.a -text [G_msg "Font:"] 
    Button $row.b -image [image create photo -file "$gmpath/font.gif"] \
        -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -relief raised -borderwidth 1  \
        -helptext [G_msg "select font for text"] \
	    -command "GmCtext::select_font $id"
    Entry $row.c -width 15 -text "$opt($id,font)" \
	    -textvariable GmCtext::opt($id,font) \
	    -background white 
    Label $row.d -text [G_msg "  color"] 
    SelectColor $row.e -type menubutton -variable GmCtext::opt($id,fill)
    pack $row.a $row.b $row.c $row.d $row.e -side left
    pack $row -side top -fill both -expand yes


proc GmCtext::save { tree depth node } {
    variable opt
    set id [GmTree::node_id $node]

    foreach key { _check text east_north font path charset color \
            size align rotation linespacing bold textcoord radians htpixel } {
        GmTree::rc_write $depth "$key $opt($id,$key)"

proc GmCtext::display { node } {
    variable opt
    variable tree
    variable can
    global mon
    global gmpath
    global canvas_w
    global canvas_h

    set line ""
    set input ""
    set cmd ""

    set tree($mon) $GmTree::tree($mon)
    set id [GmTree::node_id $node]

    set can($mon) $MapCanvas::can($mon)
    if { ! ( $opt($id,_check) ) } { return } 

    if { $opt($id,text) == "" } { return } 
    switch $opt($id,anchor) {
    	"lower_left" 	{ set anchor "sw"}
    	"bottom_center" { set anchor "s" }
    	"lower_right" 	{ set anchor "se"}
    	"center_left" 	{ set anchor "w" }
    	"center" 		{ set anchor "center" }
    	"center_right" 	{ set anchor "e" }
    	"upper_left" 	{ set anchor "nw"}
    	"top_center" 	{ set anchor "n" }
    	"upper_right" 	{ set anchor "ne"}
    if {$opt($id,coordinates) == "geographic"} {
		set xcoord [MapCanvas::mape2scrx $opt($id,xcoord)]
		set ycoord [MapCanvas::mapn2scry $opt($id,ycoord)]
		$can($mon) create text $xcoord $ycoord \
			-anchor $anchor \
			-justify $opt($id,justify) \
			-width $opt($id,width) \
			-fill $opt($id,fill) \
			-font $opt($id,font) \
			-text $opt($id,text)
    } elseif {$opt($id,coordinates) == "percent"} {
		set xpct [expr ($opt($id,xcoord) / 100.0) * $canvas_w($mon)]
		set ypct [expr ($opt($id,ycoord) / 100.0) * $canvas_h($mon)]
		$can($mon) create text $xpct $ypct \
			-anchor $anchor \
			-justify $opt($id,justify) \
			-width $opt($id,width) \
			-fill $opt($id,fill) \
			-font $opt($id,font) \
			-text $opt($id,text)
    } else {
		$can($mon) create text $opt($id,xcoord) $opt($id,ycoord) \
			-anchor $anchor \
			-justify $opt($id,justify) \
			-width $opt($id,width) \
			-fill $opt($id,fill) \
			-font $opt($id,font) \
			-text $opt($id,text)

proc GmCtext::duplicate { tree parent node id } {
    variable opt
    variable count 
    global gmpath

    set node "ctext:$count"

    set frm [ frame .ctexticon$count]
    set fon [font create -size 10] 
    set check [checkbutton $frm.check -font $fon \
                           -variable GmCtext::opt($count,_check) \
                           -height 1 -padx 0 -width 0]

    image create photo ctico -file "$gmpath/maptext.gif"
    set ico [label $frm.ico -image ctico -bd 1 -relief raised]
    pack $check $ico -side left

	if { $opt($id,text) == ""} {
    	$tree insert end $parent $node \
		-text      "text layer $count" \
		-window    $frm \
		-drawcross auto

    set opt($count,_check) $opt($id,_check)
    set opt($count,text) $opt($id,text) 
    set opt($count,xcoord) $opt($id,xcoord)
    set opt($count,ycoord) $opt($id,ycoord)
    set opt($count,font) $opt($id,font)
    set opt($count,fill) $opt($id,fill)
    set opt($count,width) $opt($id,width)
    set opt($count,anchor) $opt($id,anchor)
    set opt($count,justify) $opt($id,justify)
    set opt($count,coordinates) $opt($id,coordinates)

    incr count
    return $node
-------------- next part --------------
# MapCanvas.tcl -TclTk canvas display monitors  and display controls 
#    for GIS Manager: GUI for GRASS 6 
# Author: Michael Barton (Arizona State University)
# January 2006
# COPYRIGHT:	(C) 1999 - 2006 by the GRASS Development Team
#		This program is free software under the GNU General Public
#		License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
#		for details.

source $gmpath/maptool.tcl
source $gmpath/gmtree.tcl
source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/gmsg.tcl
source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gtcltk/select.tcl
source $env(GISBASE)/etc/gui.tcl

set bgcolor HoneyDew2

namespace eval MapCanvas {
	variable array can # mon
	variable array mapcan # mon
	variable array mapframe # mon
	variable array canvas_w # mon
	variable array canvas_h # mon
	variable array map_ind # mon
	variable array coords # mon
	global array canvas_w # mon
	global array canvas_h # mon
    variable array tree # mon
    variable cmstatus
    variable mapmon

set initwd 640
set initht 480
set east 0
set north 0

#image create photo mapimg.$mon


# Create window and canvas for display
proc MapCanvas::create { } {
    global gmpath
    global bgcolor
    global outtext
    global env
    global initwd
    global initht
    global east 
    global north
    global b1east b1north
    global tree_pane
    global mon
    global win
    global currmon
    global canvas_w
    global canvas_h
    global drawprog
	global array MapCanvas::msg # mon
	variable mapmon
    variable mapframe
	variable mapcan
	variable can
	variable coords
	variable map_ind
	# Initialize window and map geometry
	set canvas_w($mon) $initwd
	set canvas_h($mon) $initht
	set env(GRASS_WIDTH) $initwd
	set env(GRASS_HEIGHT) $initht
	set drawprog 0
	set win ""

	# Create canvas monitor as top level mainframe
	toplevel .mapcan($mon)

    set mapframe($mon) [MainFrame .mapcan($mon).mf \
   		-background $bgcolor -textvariable MapCanvas::msg($mon) \
   		-progressvar drawprog -progressmax 100 -progresstype incremental]

    # toolbar creation
    set map_tb  [$mapframe($mon) addtoolbar]
    MapToolBar::create $map_tb

	# canvas creation
    set can($mon) [canvas $mapframe($mon).can \
        -background #ffffff -borderwidth 0 -closeenough 10.0 \
        -insertbackground black -relief groove -selectbackground #c4c4c4 \
        -selectforeground black -width $canvas_w($mon) -height $canvas_h($mon) ]
    # setting geometry
    place $can($mon) -in $mapframe($mon) -x 0 -y 0 -anchor nw 
	pack $can($mon) -fill both -expand yes
    # indicator creation	
    set map_ind($mon) [$mapframe($mon) addindicator -textvariable coords($mon) \
    	-width 33 -justify left -padx 5]

    set fon [font create -family Verdana -size 12 ]
    DynamicHelp::configure -font $fon -background yellow

    pack $mapframe($mon) -fill both -expand yes

	MapCanvas::coordconv $mon 

	# bindings for display canvas

	set currmon $mon
	# mouse handlers
	bind $can($mon) <ButtonPress-1> {
		global  mon b1east b1north win
		global currmon
		variable tree		
		set winx [winfo pointerx .]
		set winy [winfo pointery .]
		set win [winfo containing $winx $winy]
		regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $win win1 currmon win2
		set b1east  [MapCanvas::scrx2mape %x]
		set b1north [MapCanvas::scry2mapn %y]
		if { $mon != $currmon } {
			set mon $currmon
			GmTree::switchpage $mon
	bind $mapframe($mon) <ButtonPress-1> {
		global  mon b1east b1north win
		global currmon
		variable tree		
		set winx [winfo pointerx .]
		set winy [winfo pointery .]
		set win [winfo containing $winx $winy]
		regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $win win1 currmon win2
		if { $mon != $currmon } {
			set mon $currmon
			GmTree::switchpage $mon
	bind .mapcan($mon) <ButtonPress-1> {
		global  mon b1east b1north win
		global currmon
		variable tree		
		set winx [winfo pointerx .]
		set winy [winfo pointery .]
		set win [winfo containing $winx $winy]
		regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $win win1 currmon win2
		if { $mon != $currmon } {
			set mon $currmon
			GmTree::switchpage $mon

	bind $can($mon) <Motion> {
		set scrxmov %x
		set scrymov %y
		set eastcoord [eval MapCanvas::scrx2mape %x]
		set northcoord [eval MapCanvas::scry2mapn %y]
		set coords($mon) "$eastcoord $northcoord"

#	window configuration change handler for resizing
    bind $can($mon) <Configure> {
    	global canvas_w
    	global canvas_h
		set rwinx [winfo pointerx .]
		set rwiny [winfo pointery .]
		set rwin [winfo containing $rwinx $rwiny]
		regexp -nocase {.*\((\d*)(\).*)} $rwin rwin1 currmon rwin2
		set mon $currmon
    	if { $canvas_w($mon) != %w || $canvas_h($mon) != %h } {
			set canvas_w($mon) %w
			set canvas_h($mon) %h
			update idletasks
			after cancel MapCanvas::do_resize $mon
			after idle MapCanvas::do_resize $mon

	# bindings for closing map display window
	bind .mapcan($mon) <Destroy> {
		set destroywin %W
		MapCanvas::cleanup $mon $destroywin

# map display procedures

# set up map geometry 
proc MapCanvas::mapsettings { mon } {
	global outtext
	global env
	global gmpath
	global mapimg.$mon
	global gisdbase
	global location_name
	global mapset
	variable mapcan
	variable can
	global canvas_h
	global canvas_w
    set monregion "$gisdbase/$location_name/$mapset/windows/mon_$mon"
	if {[file exists $monregion] } {
		set cmd "g.region region=mon_$mon"	
		runcmd $cmd
	} else {
		set cmd "g.region save=mon_$mon --o"	
		runcmd $cmd
	if ![catch {open "|g.region -g" r} input] {
		while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
			regexp -nocase {n=(.*)} $line n1 map_n
			regexp -nocase {^s=(.*)} $line s1 map_s
			regexp -nocase {e=(.*)} $line e1 map_e
			regexp -nocase {w=(.*)} $line w1 map_w
	set mapwd [expr abs(1.0 * ($map_e - $map_w))]
	set mapht [expr abs(1.0 * ($map_n - $map_s))]
	if { [expr $canvas_h($mon) / $canvas_w($mon)] > [expr $mapht / $mapwd] } {
		set mapdispht [expr 1.0 * $canvas_w($mon) * $mapht / $mapwd]
		set mapdispwd $canvas_w($mon)
	} else {
		set mapdispht $canvas_h($mon)
		set mapdispwd [expr 1.0 * $canvas_h($mon) * $mapwd / $mapht]

	set env(GRASS_WIDTH) $mapdispwd
	set env(GRASS_HEIGHT) $mapdispht
	set env(GRASS_PNGFILE) "dispmon_$mon.ppm"

# draw map using png driver and open in canvas
proc MapCanvas::drawmap { mon } {
	global outtext
	global env
	global gmpath
	global mapset
	global canvas_w
	global canvas_h
	global mapimg.mon
	global mapfile
	global drawprog
	global MapCanvas::msg
	variable mapframe
	variable mapcan
	variable can
	set drawprog 0

    set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "please wait..."
    $mapframe($mon) showstatusbar progression 
	# start draw map routine only if gism PNG driver is not running
	if ![catch {open "|d.mon -L" r} input] {
		while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
			if {[regexp "^gism.*not running" $line]} {
				runcmd "d.mon start=gism -s"
				incr drawprog
				set env(MONITOR_OVERRIDE) "gism"
				incr drawprog
				runcmd "d.frame -e"
				incr drawprog
				GmGroup::display "root"
				incr drawprog
				runcmd "d.mon stop=gism" 
				incr drawprog
				image create photo mapimg.$mon -file "dispmon_$mon.ppm" 
				set drawprog 100
				$can($mon) create image 0 0 -anchor nw \
					-image "mapimg.$mon" \
					-tag map$mon
				GmTree::cvdisplay "root"
				incr drawprog
	close $input
	MapCanvas::coordconv $mon
	set drawprog 0
    set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "east & north coordinates under cursor"
    $mapframe($mon) showstatusbar status 


proc MapCanvas::do_resize {mon} {
	global canvas_w
	global canvas_h
	global mapimg.$mon
	global draw
	global drawprog
	variable can

	MapCanvas::coordconv $mon
	$can($mon) delete map$mon
	MapCanvas::mapsettings $mon
	MapCanvas::drawmap $mon


# erase to white
proc MapCanvas::erase { mon } {
	variable mapcan
	variable can
	$can($mon) delete map$mon
	$can($mon) delete all


# zoom to current region
proc MapCanvas::zoom_current { mon } {
	variable can
	global canvas_h
	global canvas_w
	run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
	set cmd "g.region save=mon_$mon --o"
    run_panel $cmd 
	$can($mon) delete map$mon
	MapCanvas::mapsettings $mon
    MapCanvas::drawmap $mon


# zoom to default region
proc MapCanvas::zoom_default { mon } {
	variable can
	global canvas_h
	global canvas_w
	run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
	set cmd "g.region -d save=mon_$mon --o"
    run_panel $cmd 
	$can($mon) delete map$mon
	MapCanvas::mapsettings $mon
    MapCanvas::drawmap $mon


# zoom to saved region
proc MapCanvas::zoom_region { mon } {
   	variable can
	global canvas_h
	global canvas_w
    set reg [GSelect windows]
    if { $reg != "" } {
		run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
		set cmd "g.region region=$reg save=mon_$mon --o"
		run_panel $cmd 
	$can($mon) delete map$mon
	MapCanvas::mapsettings $mon
    MapCanvas::drawmap $mon

# procedures for interactive zooming in and zooming out

# zoom bindings
proc MapCanvas::zoombind { mon zoom } {
	variable can
	global mapcursor
	global MapCanvas::msg
	set mapcursor [$can($mon) cget -cursor]

    set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "L mouse button draws zoom rectangle, R button zooms"

	bind $can($mon) <2> ""
	bind $can($mon) <3> ""
	bind $can($mon) <1> {
		MapCanvas::markzoom $mon %x %y
		MapCanvas::setcursor $mon "plus"
	bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> "MapCanvas::drawzoom $mon %x %y"
#	bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> "MapCanvas::zoomregion $mon $zoom"

	bind $can($mon) <3>  "MapCanvas::zoomregion $mon $zoom"


# start zoom rectangle
proc MapCanvas::markzoom {mon x y} {
    global areaX1 areaY1
    variable can
    set areaX1 [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
    set areaY1 [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
    $can($mon) delete area

# draw zoom rectangle
proc MapCanvas::drawzoom { mon x y } {
	variable can
    global areaX1 areaY1 areaX2 areaY2
	set xc [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
	set yc [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
	if {($areaX1 != $xc) && ($areaY1 != $yc)} {
		$can($mon) delete area
		$can($mon) addtag area withtag \
			[$can($mon) create rect $areaX1 $areaY1 $xc $yc \
			-outline yellow -width 2]
		set areaX2 $xc
		set areaY2 $yc

# zoom region
proc MapCanvas::zoomregion { mon zoom } {
	variable can
	global canvas_h
	global canvas_w
    global areaX1 areaY1 areaX2 areaY2
	# get region extents
	if ![catch {open "|g.region -g" r} input] {
		while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
			regexp -nocase {n=(.*)} $line n1 map_n
			regexp -nocase {^s=(.*)} $line s1 map_s
			regexp -nocase {e=(.*)} $line e1 map_e
			regexp -nocase {w=(.*)} $line w1 map_w

	# get zoom rectangle extents in canvas coordinates
	if { $areaX2 > $areaX1 } {
		set cleft $areaX1 
		set cright $areaX2
	} else {
		set cright $areaX1
		set cleft $areaX2
	if { $areaY2 > $areaY1 } {
		set ctop $areaY1 
		set cbottom $areaY2
	} else {
		set cbottom $areaY1
		set ctop $areaY2

	# get zoom rectangle extents in map coordinates
	set north [scry2mapn $ctop]
	set south [scry2mapn $cbottom]
	set east  [scrx2mape $cright]
	set west  [scrx2mape $cleft]

	# zoom in
	if { $zoom == 1 } {
		run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
		set cmd "g.region n=$north s=$south \
			e=$east w=$west save=mon_$mon --o"
		run $cmd
	#zoom out
	if { $zoom == -1 } {
		set upnorth [expr $map_n + abs($map_n - $north)]
		set downsouth [expr $map_s - abs($south - $map_s)]
		set backeast  [expr $map_e + abs($map_e - $east)]
		set outwest  [expr $map_w - abs($west - $map_w)]
		run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
		set cmd "g.region n=$upnorth s=$downsouth \
			e=$backeast w=$outwest save=mon_$mon --o"
		run $cmd

	# redraw map
	$can($mon) delete map$mon
    $can($mon) delete area
	MapCanvas::mapsettings $mon
	MapCanvas::drawmap $mon
	# release bindings
	bind $can($mon) <1> ""
	bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> ""
	bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> ""

	# reset status display to normal
	set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "east & north coordinates under cursor"

	MapCanvas::restorecursor $mon 		


# reinitialize zoom rectangle corners

set areaX1 0
set areaY1 0
set areaX2 0
set areaY2 0


# zoom back
proc MapCanvas::zoom_back { mon } {
    variable can
	global canvas_h
	global canvas_w
    set cmd "g.region region=previous_zoom save=mon_$mon --o"
    runcmd $cmd
	$can($mon) delete map$mon
	MapCanvas::mapsettings $mon
	MapCanvas::drawmap $mon


#procedures for panning

# pan bindings
proc MapCanvas::panbind { mon } {
	variable can
	global mapcursor dtxt
	global bgcolor
	global MapCanvas::msg

    set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "L mouse button to drag & pan, R button stops panning"
	set mapcursor [$can($mon) cget -cursor]
	bind $can($mon) <2> ""

	MapCanvas::setcursor $mon "hand2"

	bind $can($mon) <1> {MapCanvas::startpan $mon %x %y}
	bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> {MapCanvas::dragpan $mon %x %y}
	bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> {
		MapCanvas::pan $mon
	bind $can($mon) <3> {MapCanvas::stoppan $mon}

proc MapCanvas::startpan {mon x y} {
    global start_x start_y
    global from_x from_y
    global to_x to_y
	variable can

    set start_x [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
    set start_y [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
	set from_x $start_x
    set from_y $start_y
	set to_x $start_x
    set to_y $start_y


proc MapCanvas::dragpan {mon x y} {
    global start_x start_y
    global to_x to_y
	variable can

    set to_x [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
    set to_y [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
    $can($mon) move current [expr {$to_x-$start_x}] [expr {$to_y-$start_y}]
    set start_y $to_y
   	set start_x $to_x

proc MapCanvas::pan { mon } {
    global from_x from_y
    global to_x to_y
	variable can
	global canvas_h
	global canvas_w
	# get map coordinate shift    
    set from_e [scrx2mape $from_x]
    set from_n [scry2mapn $from_y]
    set to_e   [scrx2mape $to_x]
    set to_n   [scry2mapn $to_y]
	# get region extents
	if ![catch {open "|g.region -g" r} input] {
		while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
			regexp -nocase {n=(.*)} $line n1 map_n
			regexp -nocase {^s=(.*)} $line s1 map_s
			regexp -nocase {e=(.*)} $line e1 map_e
			regexp -nocase {w=(.*)} $line w1 map_w

	# set new region extents
	set north [expr $map_n - ($to_n - $from_n)]
	set south [expr $map_s - ($to_n - $from_n)]
	set east  [expr $map_e - ($to_e - $from_e)]
	set west  [expr $map_w - ($to_e - $from_e)]
	# reset region and redraw map
	run "g.region save=previous_zoom --o"
	set cmd "g.region n=$north s=$south \
		e=$east w=$west save=mon_$mon --o"
	run $cmd
	$can($mon) delete map$mon
	MapCanvas::mapsettings $mon
	MapCanvas::drawmap $mon 

#stop panning
proc MapCanvas::stoppan { mon } {
	global MapCanvas::msg
	global mapcursor
	variable can

	# reset cursor to normal
	MapCanvas::restorecursor $mon 
	# reset status display to normal
	set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "east & north coordinates under cursor"

	# unbind events
	bind $can($mon) <1> ""
	bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> ""
	bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> "" 



proc MapCanvas::setcursor { mon  ctype } {
	global mapcursor
	variable can

	$can($mon) configure -cursor $ctype

proc MapCanvas::restorecursor {mon} {
	global mapcursor
	variable can
	$can($mon) configure -cursor $mapcursor

# procedures for measuring 

# measurement bindings
proc MapCanvas::measurebind { mon } {
	variable can
	global mlength totmlength dtxt
	global mapcursor
    global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
	global MapCanvas::msg
	set mapcursor [$can($mon) cget -cursor]

	bind $can($mon) <2> ""
	bind $can($mon) <1> "MapCanvas::markmline $mon %x %y"
	bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> "MapCanvas::drawmline $mon %x %y"
	bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> "MapCanvas::measure $mon"
	bind $can($mon) <3> "MapCanvas::stopmeasure $mon"
	if { ![winfo exists .dispout]} {Gm::create_disptxt $mon}

    set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "L mouse button, draw line to measure, R button to stop"
	MapCanvas::setcursor $mon "plus"
	set mlength 0
	set totmlength 0


# start measurement line
proc MapCanvas::markmline {mon x y} {
    global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
    variable can
    #start line
    if { ![info exists linex1] } {
    	set linex1 [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
    	set liney1 [$can($mon) canvasy $y]

	#check for click with no drag
    if { ![info exists linex2] } {
		set linex2 $linex1
    if { ![info exists liney2] } {
		set liney2 $liney1

    $can($mon) delete mline

# draw measurement line
proc MapCanvas::drawmline { mon x y } {
	variable can
    global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
	set xc [$can($mon) canvasx $x]
	set yc [$can($mon) canvasy $y]
	# draw line segment
	if {($linex1 != $xc) && ($liney1 != $yc)} {
		$can($mon) delete mline
		$can($mon) addtag mline withtag \
			[$can($mon) create line $linex1 $liney1 $xc $yc \
			-fill red -arrow both -width 2]
		set linex2 $xc
		set liney2 $yc

# measure line length
proc MapCanvas::measure { mon } {
	variable can
    global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
    global mlength totmlength
    global dtxt
	# draw cumulative line
	$can($mon) addtag totmline withtag \
		[$can($mon) create line $linex1 $liney1 $linex2 $liney2 \
		-fill green -arrow both -width 2]

	# get line endpoints in map coordinates
	set east1  [scrx2mape $linex1]
	set north1 [scry2mapn $liney1]
	set east2  [scrx2mape $linex2]
	set north2 [scry2mapn $liney2]

	# calculate line segment length and total length
	set mlength [expr sqrt(pow(($east1 - $east2), 2) + pow(($north1 - $north2), 2))]
	set totmlength [expr $totmlength + $mlength]
	$dtxt insert end " --segment length\t= $mlength\n"
	$dtxt insert end "cumulative length\t= $totmlength\n"
	$dtxt yview end 
	catch {cmd_output $fh}
	set linex1 $linex2
	set liney1 $liney2

# end measurement
proc MapCanvas::stopmeasure { mon } {
	global MapCanvas::msg
	variable can
    global linex1 liney1 linex2 liney2
    global mlength totmlength

	# delete measurement line
    $can($mon) delete mline
    $can($mon) delete totmline
	unset linex1 
	unset liney1
	unset linex2
	unset liney2
	# release bindings
	bind $can($mon) <1> ""
	bind $can($mon) <2> ""
	bind $can($mon) <B1-Motion> ""
	bind $can($mon) <ButtonRelease-1> ""
	bind $can($mon) <3> ""

	# reset status display to normal
	set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "east & north coordinates under cursor"

	MapCanvas::restorecursor $mon


# procedures for querying 

# query bindings
proc MapCanvas::querybind { mon } {
	global dtxt
	global stop
	global map_ew
	global map_ns	
	global scr_ew
	global scr_ns
	global vdist
	global type
	global options
	global mapname
	global selected
	global mapcursor
	variable tree
	variable can
	# set query 'snapping' distance to 10 screen pixels
	set vdist [expr 10* ($map_ew / $scr_ew) ]
	if { ![winfo exists .dispout]} {Gm::create_disptxt $mon}
	set mapcursor [$can($mon) cget -cursor]

    set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "L mouse button to query features, R button to stop query"

	bind $can($mon) <1> {
		MapCanvas::startquery $mon %x %y 
		MapCanvas::setcursor $mon "plus"
	bind $can($mon) <3> {MapCanvas::stopquery $mon}


# query
proc MapCanvas::startquery { mon x y } {
	global stop
	global vdist
	variable tree
	variable can

	set east  [scrx2mape $x]
	set north [scry2mapn $y]

	# get currently selected map for querying
    set tree($mon) $GmTree::tree($mon)
    set sel [ lindex [$tree($mon) selection get] 0 ]

    if { $sel == "" } { return }
    set type [GmTree::node_type $sel]

    switch $type {
        "raster" {
            set mapname [GmRaster::mapname $sel]
			if { $mapname == "" } {
				$dtxt insert end "You must select a map to query\n"
				$dtxt yview end 
				catch {cmd_output $fh}	
			set cmd "r.what -f input=$mapname east_north=$east,$north\n\n"
        "vector" {
            set mapname [GmVector::mapname $sel]
			if { $mapname == "" } {
				$dtxt insert end "You must select a map to query\n"
				$dtxt yview end 
				catch {cmd_output $fh}	
	    	set cmd "v.what -a map=$mapname east_north=$east,$north distance=$vdist\n\n"
        "rgbhis" {
            set mapname [GmRgbhis::mapname $sel]
			if { $mapname == "" } {
				$dtxt insert end "You must select a map to query\n"
				$dtxt yview end 
				catch {cmd_output $fh}	
			set cmd "r.what -f input=$mapname east_north=$east,$north\n\n"
        dframe {
        chart {
        thematic {
	run_panel $cmd

# query
proc MapCanvas::stopquery { mon } {
	global stop x y east north
	variable can
	# release bindings
	bind $can($mon) <1> ""
	bind $can($mon) <3> ""

	# reset status display to normal
	set MapCanvas::msg($mon) "east & north coordinates under cursor"

	MapCanvas::restorecursor $mon 		


# print to eps file
proc MapCanvas::printcanvas { mon } {
	variable mapcan
	variable can
	global canvas_w
	global canvas_h
	set cv $can($mon)
	# open print window
    psprint::window $mon $cv $canvas_w($mon) $canvas_h($mon)


#	Set up initial variables for screen to map conversion
proc MapCanvas::coordconv { mon } {

	global map_n
	global map_s
	global map_e
	global map_w
	global map_ew
	global map_ns	
	global scr_n
	global scr_s
	global scr_e
	global scr_w
	global scr_ew
	global scr_ns
	global map2scrx_conv
	global map2scry_conv
	global mapframe.can
	global mapimg.$mon
	variable can
	variable mapframe
	global canvas_w
	global canvas_h

#	get current map coordinates from g.region

	if ![catch {open "|g.region -g" r} input] {
		while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
			regexp -nocase {n=(.*)} $line n1 map_n
			regexp -nocase {^s=(.*)} $line s1 map_s
			regexp -nocase {e=(.*)} $line e1 map_e
			regexp -nocase {w=(.*)} $line w1 map_w

# 	calculate dimensions

	set map_n [expr 1.0*($map_n)]
	set map_s [expr 1.0*($map_s)]
	set map_e [expr 1.0*($map_e)]
	set map_w [expr 1.0*($map_w)]
	set map_ew [expr $map_e - $map_w]
	set map_ns [expr $map_n - $map_s]

#	get current screen geometry
if { [info exists "mapimg.$mon"] } {
	set scr_ew [image width "mapimg.$mon"]
	set scr_ns [image height "mapimg.$mon"]
	set scr_e [image width "mapimg.$mon"]
	set scr_s [image height "mapimg.$mon"]
}	else {
	set scr_ew $canvas_w($mon)
	set scr_ns $canvas_h($mon)
	set scr_e $canvas_w($mon)
	set scr_s $canvas_h($mon)

	set scr_n 0.0
	set scr_w 0.0

# 	calculate conversion factors. Note screen is from L->R, T->B but map
# 	is from L->R, B->T

	set map2scrx_conv [expr $scr_ew / $map_ew]
	set map2scry_conv [expr $scr_ns / $map_ns]
# 	calculate screen dimensions and offsets

	if { $map2scrx_conv > $map2scry_conv } {
		set map2scrx_conv $map2scry_conv
	} else {
		set map2scry_conv $map2scrx_conv



# screen to map and map to screen conversion procedures

# map north to screen y
proc MapCanvas::mapn2scry { north } {
	global map_n
	global scr_n
	global map2scry_conv

	return [expr $scr_n + (($map_n - $north) * $map2scry_conv)]

# map east to screen x
proc MapCanvas::mape2scrx { east } {
	global map_w
	global scr_w
	global map2scrx_conv

	return [expr $scr_w + (($east - $map_w) * $map2scrx_conv)]


# screen y to map north
proc MapCanvas::scry2mapn { y } {
	global map_n
	global scr_n
	global map2scry_conv

	return [expr $map_n - (($y - $scr_n) / $map2scry_conv)]


# screen x to map east
proc MapCanvas::scrx2mape { x } {
	global map_w
	global scr_w
	global map2scrx_conv

	return [expr $map_w + (($x - $scr_w) / $map2scrx_conv)]


# transform window x to canvas x
proc winx2canx { x } {
	global mon
	variable can
	return [$can($mon) canvasx x]

# pass mapcan parameter
proc MapCanvas::getmapcan { mon } {
	variable mapcan
	set mc $mapcan($mon)
	return $mc

# cleanup procedure on closing window
proc MapCanvas::cleanup { mon destroywin} {
	global pgs

	if { $destroywin == ".mapcan($mon)" } { 
		$pgs delete "page_$mon"
		runcmd "g.mremove -f region=mon_$mon "
		if { [winfo exists .tlegend($mon)] } { destroy .tlegend($mon) }
	# stop gism PNG driver if it is still running due to error
	if ![catch {open "|d.mon -L" r} input] {
		while {[gets $input line] >= 0} {
			if {[regexp "^gism            Create PNG Map for gism        running" $line]} {
				runcmd "d.mon stop=gism"
	close $input


wm geom . [wm geom .]

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