[GRASS5] r.composit?

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Tue Feb 21 10:33:32 EST 2006

Is r.composit working for folks who are running a recent cvs version?

I am trying to use it on three not terribly large or unusual files  
and it seems to get stuck on the second color (I killed the process  
after 20 minutes or so). Am I being impatient? I don't remember that  
r.composit was a long or slow process (at least with the default  
levels=32 setting).

GRASS 6.1.cvs (minnesota_utm):~/projects/wrf/ts2325Exports >  
r.composite red=t61nr9w_1.red green=t61nr9w_1.green  
blue=t61nr9w_1.blue output=t61nr9w_1
^C 0%
GRASS 6.1.cvs (minnesota_utm):~/projects/wrf/ts2325Exports >



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