[GRASS5] Re: Importing USGS DEM

roger at spinn.net roger at spinn.net
Mon Feb 27 17:33:58 EST 2006


If GRASS appears to import the file without a problem but then you can't 
view the file then it is possible that the location and/or coordinates in 
the file are inconsistent with the location and/or coordinates that you are 
currently using.  You may be able to view the map by setting your current 
region to the coordinates of the map by using (from a command line) 

g.region rast=<name of your raster map> 

This might let you view the map without actually ensuring that you have a 
valid map. 

Check the file metadata and contents and make sure that your current 
location is consistent with the data in the file you are trying to import.  
If your settings aren't consistent with the map then you need to either 
create a location with the correct settings or change your location to one 
that is consistent with the map. 

For instance, if the map is in latitude and longitude, but you are currently 
using a UTM location in GRASS then the map will not import correctly.  You 
need to set up and use a latitude and longitude location in order to import 
the map.  Once it is imported then you can reproject the map to whatever 
system you need to use. 

Roger Miller 

Michael Rensing writes: 

> Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to import DEM data from 
> http://www.geobase.ca/geobase/en/data/cded1.html 
> The data is in USGS DEM format, and I can view it in QGis, but I can't 
> import it into GRASS for analysis. I've tried the import raster command 
> which runs r.in.gdal, but I can't get anything which displays in a view 
> window. 
> Can anyone help with the required settings and parameters for bringing 
> this into GRASS in a format I can use? I'm afraid I'm a bit too new to 
> GRASS to figure this out on my own. 
> Regards,
> Michael 
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