[GRASS5] shape file limit with v.in.org.all

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Thu Jan 12 08:01:51 EST 2006

On Jan 12, 2006, at 1:15 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 02:02:52PM -0600, Kirk R. Wythers wrote:
>> I have an odd script question. I am using a script v.in.ogr.all
>> ===============================================
>> #!/bin/bash
>> #test to see if script is being run from GRASS
>> if test "$GISBASE" = ""; then
>>         echo "You must be in GRASS to run this program"
>>         exit
>> fi
>> for MAP in `ls ~/projects/mn_dnr/shape_files/forties/county/ 
>> *.shp`; do
>>     v.in.ogr -o dsn=~/projects/mn_dnr/shape_files/forties/county/
>> output=`ba\
>> sename $MAP .shp` layer=`basename $MAP .shp`;
>> done
>> ================================================
>> to import a bunch (>100) shape files. When I run the script on the
>> whole directory of shape files, I get the error:
>> ERROR 4: Unable to open /Network/Servers/truffula.fr.umn.edu/Volumes/
>> disk1/home1/kwythers/projects/mn_dnr/shape_files/forties/county/
>> wrig_forties.shx or /Network/Servers/truffula.fr.umn.edu/Volumes/
>> disk1/home1/kwythers/projects/mn_dnr/shape_files/forties/county/
>> wrig_forties.SHX.
>> repeated for every shape file. However, if I run the same script on
>> just a few files, the world is cool. So far I have run it on 1 file,
>> 3 files, 6 files, and 20 files. I am about to try 50 or so files. Has
>> anyone see this kind of behavior before?
> Kirk,
> I guess that the parameter length created by `ls *...` is
> exceeding a Un*x limit (for the shell or whatever).
> You may try to rewrite it to first go into the
> directory, then run the loop in that directory.

Thanks Markus. I have another large collection of shape files to read  
in today. I'll give it a go. I never figured out exactly what the  
limit was (something between 25 and 100 files, I would guess).

> Markus

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