[GRASS5] [bug #4024] (grass) d.m, v.in.ascii: columns hint leads to errors

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Sat Jan 21 14:42:56 EST 2006

On sob, 2006-01-21 at 12:11 -0700, Michael Barton wrote:
> Maciek,
> Again, the dialogs that pop up when you run a GRASS command are NOT a part
> of the dm/GIS Manager. They are generated from the C-code of the module (or
> the script code for shell scripts). If you want to report a bug or wish with
> one of these dialogs and get it fixed, don't report it as a dm bug. I agree
> that some of these could use better descriptions of options. Suggested text
> improvements would help those who maintain the relevant modules.
> In this case, you need to report this as a bug for v.in.ascii--not d.m.


Sorry, accidentaly I sent the reply to soon. I wanted to write:

I renamed the bug to "corrupted defaults and comments in GUI" yesterday,
before you replied. This bug doesn't seem to be limited to v.in.ascii.
It is a problem in the general GUI dialogs design. This could happen
with any module depending on how it's manual is formatted.


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