[GRASS-dev] r.in.gdal to group automatically imported multi-bands image

Yann Chemin ychemin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 06:12:39 EDT 2006

Could it be possible to automatically get the list of images from the
group and take the 3 first bands as RGB, get these into a d.rgb string
and attach that to a display button inside each group by default, or
something similar...?

I do know really, just trying to get some improvement on the usability
feeling for image processing in GRASS GIS...


On 10/07/06, Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Yann Chemin wrote:
> > When dealing with multi-band satellite data, it is generally easier to
> > group them, and generally we import this data from, say a GeoTiff that
> > is already a multi-band.
> >
> > Could we consider trying to make a group directly on import in
> > r.in.gdal by the name of the image? Imagine people that deal with
> > temporal/hyperspectral data, it could be beneficial.
> I was under the impression that r.in.gdal DID do this already (GRASS 6.1
> anyway). e.g. r.in.onearth (r.in.wms) creates the group.
> > Following this idea, 2 things:
> > 1-GIS.M to load groups directly (i am not familiar to know if this is
> > already there)
> > 2-Attach a default group display command to choose from greyscale or
> > RGB
> >
> > I believe this could help some "image processing" people to use GRASS.
> d.rgb group=groupname
> could work if the was a consistant naming for bands, and the extension
> could be predicted.
> scan.r
> scan.b
> scan.c
> but "r.in.onearth -l tmband=visual" creates:
> satimage.1
> satimage.2
> satimage.3
> for r,g,b?
> Hamish

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