[GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #4877] (grass) d.grid -g, ps.map: incorrect

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 07:56:14 EDT 2006

> >>> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4877
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ..
> >>> "d.grid -g" and ps.map's geogrid command are not calculating the
> >>> correct grid lines for me. (lines are drawn 90m to the north)
> > umm, now it is twice as bad. the 'd.grid -g' line is now drawn 180m
> > north of the expected location.
> For me (I've tried with a test NZMG/nzgd49 location) before the patch
> the lines were about 90m *south* of where they'd be expected to be
> from the d.where -l output, and after the patch they agree :/ d.grid
> is supposed to show lines of latitude&longtiude on the current
> ellipsoid, not WGS84, right?

aah, ok, that's it. The nzgd49 datum uses the int'l ellipsoid.

using "d.where -l" I see that "d.grid -g" does in fact lie in the
correct place (after applying your patch).

the rasterized nautical chart I was using as a backdrop is WGS84.
using "d.where -w" the printed rasterized grid lines match up.

I guess d.grid's default should be to use the current ellipsoid; should
d.grid get a -w flag too?


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