[GRASS-dev] michael: grass6/lib/initgis_set.t cl, 1.24, 1.25

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Thu Jul 20 23:52:52 EDT 2006

Just to make sure that this discussion does not die out without
a solution, I read once more through the discussion and to summarize,
it looks like there is some agreement that the text on the startup
pannel should be as follows (more comments are welcome - this is  
still evolving):

1. No problems with the welcome message
(Hamish complained about grammar, but nobody else so I guess it is OK):
"Welcome to GRASS GIS version $GRASSVERSION"
"The world's leading open source GIS"

2. For location, mapset, it looks like the latest change by Markus is  
to most, so the text would be:

"Select an existing project location and mapset
or define a new project location"

Project Location
Accessible Mapsets
Create new mapset in selected location
Define new project location by

with brief explanation for each selection
- pop-up help at mouse-over or tooltips were suggested,
or the less favored text added in parenthesis (that may crowd the
startup pannel too much)
Just a note1: Lorenzo's GRASS has a very nice example of info button  
for each selection
on the Mac GRASS Start pannel that slides out on the side with very  
description for each option. I found it very intuitive and useful.

and my note2: project location interpreted as a location on hard drive
and as geospatial location are both  valid interpretations and
I don't see a problem here

3. The text for "path to GRASS database" is somewhat open due to the  
database interpreted as DB for attributes - the following has been  

Select GIS database (directory containing GRASS data)
Projects directory
Path to location
Data path

Any suggestion on which one should be implemented? Or any better idea?

4. The language in the startup pannel is the easy part,
as others have mentioned most new users get really
stuck when a new location needs to be created

Define new project location by:

I will send my thoughts on this in next email with new, better suited  


On Jul 19, 2006, at 11:11 PM, Hamish wrote:

>>> I like Michael's suggestion to insert a small blurb under each term
>>> to help new users:
>>> Select GIS database
>>> (directory containing GRASS data)
>>> Select location
>>> (projection and optional geographic extents)
>>> Select mapset
>>> (GIS files)
>>> This way, we keep the traditional terms that appear in the Grass
>>> literature, and the meanings are much more defined.
> or as tooltips, to keep the page clean.
> Hamish
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