[GRASS-dev] GRASS OSGEO Project Steering Committee (+1 for PSC)
Sampson, David
dsampson at NRCan.gc.ca
Tue Jul 25 15:57:33 EDT 2006
>From my point of view the main issues with GRASS for incubation into
OSGeo are the legal review of code (hard because there is so much code
accumulated over such a long period of time), and establishing a
functioning PSC. The PSC shouldn't be terribly hard since GRASS already
has had a very consensus oriented decision making approach. It's just
that the decision making approach so far is so informal as to defy
knowing if a decision has been made or not!
It sounds like a PSC should not be hard to follow through with since
GRASS already sounds on track. I'm for helping out with the PSC
Whos next?
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:fwarmerdam at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: July 25, 2006 15:27
To: Sampson, David
Cc: grassuser at grass.itc.it; grass-dev at grass.itc.it
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] RE: [GRASS-dev] Re: [OTT_OSGEO] GRASS OSGEO
Steering Committee
Sampson, David wrote:
> Just some thoughts
> o Core OSGeo rules (ie. not improperly incorporating others code
> the code base) need to be followed.
> Is this not already a given?...
Obviously, it is the normal practice, but going forward we may need to
be more explicit and careful about what is acceptable to contribute and
what is not. I know there were a number of items I played a bit fast
and loose with in GDAL that I'm being more careful as GDAL becomes a
GDAL project.
> o The process needs to be open to additional contributors in some
> fashion.
> How is this different than the current process?
This isn't a problem for the GRASS project which has certainly been
quite open to additional contributors for as long as I have had any
association. Keep in mind the various items I pointed out are general
requirements of OSGeo. Just because I mention them doesn't mean I think
GRASS has a problem with them.
From my point of view the main issues with GRASS for incubation into
OSGeo are the legal review of code (hard because there is so much code
accumulated over such a long period of time), and establishing a
functioning PSC. The PSC shouldn't be terribly hard since GRASS already
has had a very consensus oriented decision making approach. It's just
that the decision making approach so far is so informal as to defy
knowing if a decision has been made or not!
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com
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