[GRASS-dev] grass6.2?

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Fri Jun 9 09:55:23 EDT 2006

we need a freeze to get the release done, too many changes are  
happening at this time
  and we need somebody to declare the freeze -
Markus is traveling so we are somewhat lacking a leadership - this is  
one situation
when having a steering committee would be helpful - the committee  
could meet on IRC, declare an
official freeze and we don't get this die-out discussions,


Helena Mitasova
Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atm. Sciences
1125 Jordan Hall, NCSU Box 8208,
Raleigh NC 27695

On Jun 9, 2006, at 5:49 AM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:

> Thanks Hamish.
> I' aware of the threads, but afterwards the discussion seemed to  
> die out, so
> my question.
> Perhaps I missed the point, but I didn't see a clear roadmap coming  
> out.
> All the best.
> pc
> At 11:38, venerdì 9 giugno 2006 you presumably wrote:
>> Paolo Cavallini wrote:
>>> The current cvs version has a number of very important  
>>> improvements of
>>> the current stable (one for all: v.in.dxf). I believe it is  
>>> important to
>>> let normal users have access to these features. I would therefore
>>> recommend designing a roadmap for a release in a reasonable time.
>> see
>> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.grass.devel/11403/focus=11456
>> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.grass.devel/12423/focus=12492
>> Hamish
> -- 
> Paolo Cavallini
> email+jabber: cavallini at faunalia.it
> www.faunalia.it
> Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39) 
> 348-3801953
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