[GRASS5] Layers Clarification

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 02:43:21 EST 2006

On 3/6/06, twiens <twiens at interbaun.com> wrote:
> > The possibility to keep in a database the relation between
> > geometry objects in a map and more tables/records was
> > considered during the development of  GRASS 6.0. It does
> > not appear to be better solutin because all the geometry
> > processing is done in files. Example:  Say that we have
> > one layer with 2 loverlapping lines linked to 2 records in
> > one table.
> >             1
> > +-----------------------+        2
> >                 +-------------------------+
> >
> > Now we want to clean data and remove the duplicated part,
> > we run v.clean tool=break,rmdupl result (in current
> > implementation):
> >          1          1,2       2
> >  +--------------+--------+----------------+
> >
> Are you indicating by this example that within a single
> layer a geographic object can have more than one link to a
> table, or is the result of this operation two layers?

More links to a table.


> T
> --
> Trevor Wiens

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