[GRASS5] v.out.ogr and v.external does not work

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz
Fri Mar 10 09:58:58 EST 2006

I try to "v.out.ogr" some polygon map from GRASS to PosgreSQL (postgis),
which I do trough

GRASS: ~> v.out.ogr input=det at idrisi type=area  dsn="PG:dbname=krtiny"  olayer=det format=PostgreSQL

After that, two tables (one table and one sequence) are created:

psql=> \d det
   Column     |        Type       |                       Modifikátory                       
 ogc_fid      | integer           | not null default nextval('public.det_ogc_fid_seq'::text)
 wkb_geometry | geometry          | 
 cat          | integer           | 
 cislo        | integer           | 
 plocha       | double precision  | 
 vymera       | double precision  | 
 kvalita      | integer           | 
 katastr      | character varying | 
 ku_kod       | integer           | 
 sk_parc      | character varying | 
 oddeleni     | integer           | 

psql=> Sequence "public.det_ogc_fid_seq"
krtiny=> Sequence "public.det_ogc_fid_seq"
    Sloupec    |   Typ     |   Typ    | Vlastník 
 sequence_name | name      | tabulka  | jachym
 last_value    | bigintseq | sequence | jachym
 increment_by  | bigintmns | tabulka  | jachym
 max_value     | bigint    | tabulka  | jachym
 min_value     | bigint    | sequence | jachym
 cache_value   | bigintys  | tabulka  | jachym
 log_cnt       | bigint    | tabulka  | jachym
 is_cycled     | boolean   | sequence | jachym

when I try to "v.extrude" this table, I get following error:

GRASS: ~> v.external dsn="PG: dbname=krtiny" out=det  layer=det
ERROR 1: ERROR:  column "fid" does not exist

ERROR 1: ERROR:  column "ogr_fid" does not exist

Vytvářím topologii ...
Feature:    0
Topologie byla vytvořena.
Počet uzlů          :   0
Počet primitiv      :   0
Počet bodů          :   0
Počet linií         :   0
Počet hranic        :   0
Počet centroidů     :   0
Počet ploch         :   0
Počet ostrovů       :   0

GRASS: ~> d.vect det
WARNING: 'vector/det/head' was found in more mapsets (also found in
ERROR 1: ERROR:  column "fid" does not exist

ERROR 1: ERROR:  column "ogr_fid" does not exist

The bounding box of the map outside current region, nothing displayed.

What to do?



Jachym Cepicky                                  
e-mail: jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz           
URL: http://les-ejk.cz                      
GPG: http://les-ejk.cz/gnupg_public_key/    
Department of Geoinformation Technologies   
LDF MZLU v Brně                             
Zemědělská 3                                
613 00 Brno                                 
e-mail: xcepicky at node.mendelu.cz            
URL:    http://mapserver.mendelu.cz
Tel.:   +420 545 134 514

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