[GRASS5] gis.m does not use whole area

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz
Wed Mar 22 04:09:15 EST 2006

On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 01:07:42PM +1200, Hamish wrote:
> > Note that graphic output matches the *region*, not the canvas.
> can we try a grey & hatched background (black "X" diagonal lines
> crossing) to indicate what's NULL and what's out of bounds? Or
> alternating block pattern like GIMP uses? Or something like that.
> This has been a confusing part of GRASS for a Long long time.
> ?
> Hamish

That would be nice ... the new graphical interface looks so good, that
it is really a bit confusing... Idrisi shows new map always in window,
which is resised according to displayed map. In GRASS this could be done
for the default region. Would this be sollution? 


Jachym Cepicky                                  
e-mail: jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz           
URL: http://les-ejk.cz                      
GPG: http://les-ejk.cz/gnupg_public_key/    
Department of Geoinformation Technologies   
LDF MZLU v Brně                             
Zemědělská 3                                
613 00 Brno                                 
e-mail: xcepicky at node.mendelu.cz            
URL:    http://mapserver.mendelu.cz
Tel.:   +420 545 134 514

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