[GRASS5] hydraulic model tools

Andrea Antonello andrea.antonello at gmail.com
Mon May 1 14:04:07 EDT 2006

What tools are you talking about exactly?
Hydraulic? Or do you mean hydrologic or just water related?
In that case JGrass has a whole bunch of "water-related" tools and is based on 
the GRASS raster format. I know some people have issues with java :)
In every other case I would love to know which modules you are talking about 
(apart the already cited r.hydro.CASC2D, which seems to be a hydrologic 


On Monday 01 May 2006 19:47, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Is there a list anywhere of what remains to be ported or outstanding
> issues with hydro model tools in current version?
> Are there any developers that need a little cash to speed up getting
> some of this fixed up?  Perhaps a few of us who are interested could
> pool some re$ources to help get these tools back into working order.
> Anyone else interested/able in putting some funding into the pot?  Any
> developers interested in committing to a timeline and making some cash?
> Tyler
> ivan marchesini wrote:
> > It sounds really interesting!!!
> > we need these tools!!!
> > thank you very much!!!!
> > ivan
> >
> > Il giorno ven, 28/04/2006 alle 15.44 -0700, Brad Douglas ha scritto:
> >> On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 11:06 -0700, Raymond Burns wrote:
> >>> Hi
> >>>
> >>> Somewhere between 5.3-7 and 6.0-1 , a number of hydraulic modeling
> >>> tools were left out of the CVS tree.
> >>>
> >>> Are there reasons (beyond time, workers and interest) to not overhaul
> >>> and bring back some or all of these tools ?  Are they being worked on
> >>> as part of a raster revamp ?
> >>
> >> It's been a problem of too much code and too few active developers. :(
> >>
> >>> I have been working on r.hydro.CASC2D with some results. The patch
> >>> would be a little bit large to just throw on the mailing list and I am
> >>> wondering just what to do with it.
> >>
> >> You can send to me directly if you like.  I'll review it and commit
> >> working code.
> >>
> >> Also, if you have a test scenario(s) (preferably with Spearfish
> >> dataset), please forward that as well.
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HydroloGIS - Environmental Safety Modelling

Andrea Antonello
Environmental Engineer
mobile:  +393288497722

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if you want to be called wise."
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