[GRASS5] Improvements to gis.m map canvas

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Thu May 4 03:39:53 EDT 2006

On Wed, 03 May 2006 14:57:44 -0700
Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu> wrote:

> These are both required unfortunately. If d.font romans is not done,
> GRASS won't display text properly. d.frame -e is needed to clear the
> display properly so that you can properly composite multiple layers.


I see.

You haven't touched the second thing I mentioned though:

>> 2. when panning/zooming the are always two in a row "d.frame -e"
>> calls; necessary?

See the attached screendump. There are 2 "d.frame -e" in a row. Do we
need both?

To reproduce the behavior, please do the following:
1. run grass
2. add a layer in gis.m
3. redraw - in "Output - gis.m" window there are 2 "d.frame -e" calls
one after each other

Each subsequent redraw will result in a single "d.frame -e". When you
zoom or pan, there will be 2 of them again. Do we need them both?


W polskim Internecie s? setki milion?w stron. My przekazujemy Tobie tylko najlepsze z nich!
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