[GRASS5] "Output - GIS.m" window - what do the icons mean?

Cedric Shock cedricgrass at shockfamily.net
Thu May 4 04:36:55 EDT 2006


Sorry I haven't really explained any of this yet. I have no idea where it 
should go in the documentation. This is partially the same as the output in 
the generic user interface.
> There are neat icons in the "Output - GIS.m" window. It is not
> explained what they are for. Could anybody do it please?
> 1. Those most colorfull ones, on the left - do they only indicate the
> command used? They are button like - but does anything special happen
> when I push the button?

They do indeed. When you push the button (gis.m only) the command is copied to 
the text box for entering commands at the bottom of the screen.

> 2. When I click the command syntax, it is printed in the window below.
> But the same happens if I push the button 1. What the difference, if
> any? Should both perform the same action?

Both do the same.

> 3. For d.rast, a printer icon pops up. What happens when I press it?

The output of the command is shown / hidden. Some of the display commands 
output a single blank line of text, which isn't very exciting.

> 4. Then there is a "window symbol". I can also push it, but nothing
> happens. Should anything happen?

That's shown when the command originated in gis.m. It's not supposed to be a 
button (it's flat) but it's still pushable. The output widget has the ability 
to show icons or text for all sorts of statuses or flags. Right now it just 
does gis.m, xterm, errors, output, and running.

> Also - could the mouse cursor change into an arrow when over those
> icons/buttons, like it does in main gis.m window?

Yeah, it should probably be an arrow here.


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