[GRASS-dev] [bug #4493] (grass) gis.m fails to start GUI

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed May 24 15:15:18 EDT 2006

> TclTk 8.4.01 was released September 2002, when GRASS 4.something was
> still current and GRASS 5 was in development. TclTk 8.5 is now in beta
> and we are now talking about switching to a new GUI platform. TclTk is
> open source and anyone can update to at least an old version of 8.4.
> There are just not enough of us to maintain compatibility so far back
> into prior versions, and it would affect both usability and appearance
> of the GUI. We are maintaining the old d.m, which I believe is
> compatible with 8.3 at least and maybe back to 8.1. The fixes to
> maintain backward compatibility 4 years back are more than I have time
> to do (especially to try and find workarounds for functionality from
> 8.4 that we are using) and is very low on my priority list.

note NVIZ still doesn't work 100% with TclTk 8.4 on debian. This is
because of bugs which should be fixed, but in the mean time we are left
with a no-win compromise, either NVIZ working or gis.m working; not both.

what else besides "-offrelief" isn't tcltk 8.3 compatible in gis.m?
If it is small work to support 8.3, we should try.


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