[GRASS-dev] Error in redrawing text layer in gis.m

Patton, Eric epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Fri Nov 10 10:22:23 EST 2006

I get an error in gis.m when trying to redraw the map canvas when I have a geogrid layer and a text layer both redrawing simultaneously.

Steps to reproduce, in Spearfish:

1. Add Geology, and Roads to gis.m. Set display region to Geology.
2. Add a Grid layer. Choose the following display options: Geodetic grid, black text and line color, turn border text off, set grid size to '00:05:00' (five arcminutes).
3. Add a text layer. Text to display was a label for the 103 45'W meridian, choose mouse placement, bold text, rotate -88 degrees. All other options set to default values.
4. Click 'Redraw all layers'.
5. Important: Turn the 'draw border text' option on the geogrid layer OFF.
4. Click 'Redraw all layers' on the map display window.

Error is produced; See attached a log file for details.

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Url : http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/attachments/20061110/45beb988/Text_layer_Error.obj

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