[GRASS-dev] Error in redrawing text layer in gis.m

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 18 06:56:59 EST 2006

Patton, Eric wrote:
> HB:
> >Eric: any reason you aren't letting d.grid label the lines for you?
> >It should be formatted and rotated nicely (e.g. 44:26N)
> >(i.e. is there something about that you think could be improved?)
> The geogrid tool in gis.m doesn't allow you to change the font size.
> So I wanted to draw a lat-long grid over my UTM map display, but turn
> off graticule labels so I could use a dedicated text layer with larger
> labels instead. Like for making screenshots and figures for reports -
> the default text size of the geogrid labels are too small to read
> without squinting.

ok, makes sense. That font size was hard-coded in d.grid as "9". I've
just added a fontsize= option in CVS so you can make this bigger without
all the extra work of manual placement: better to attack the problem at
the source! The gis.m grid controls will need updating to take advantage
of this.

note you could use another (bigger) font there, use d.font.freetype or
$GRASS_FONT to set it before calling d.grid. Many truetype fonts look
bigger & more readable vs the simple grass ones. e.g. try a bold font.

> PS - the text tool is the third button from the right on the top row
> of buttons in gis.m.

I haven't updated the GUI in my local source tree which is why I
couldn't see it.


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