[GRASS-dev] Re: new bug tracker

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Mon Nov 27 12:35:29 EST 2006

Hamish wrote:

> suggestion; rearange order of trackers:
> either:
> 1) move "feature request" trackers before "issues" trackers so wishes
> don't get filed as issues (reader will start at top and stop when they
> find a near match..

That would take removing all the trackers above feature requests, and
setting them up again, so they are added in the end. Needless to say
I'm not to keen on doing that :). If I find a way to avoid doubled
work, will do. Is that fair enough for you or do you find the problem
really big?

> 2) group code, doc, web:
> code feature requests
> code issues  
> code patches 
> doc feature requests 
> doc issues 
> doc patches 
> web feature requests
> web issues 
> web patches

Same as above (even more doubled work). But maybe it is woth it. ?

> rename "web" to "website"


> ps - after I create a "Build Query" in the tracker, how do I get back to
> an "unqueried" list? [fixed, sort of: I had to use ctrl-click to
> unhighlight the "confirmed" status or highlight all options]

I had the same problem and "solved it" the same way.

> So now I
> have "all open", "new", "open, confirmed" power queries. It is a pain I
> have to recreate these for each tracker, but I guess options will be
> different.

Yes, this can't be avoided due to differeces between fields in
different trackers.

> Can three like these be set up by default for all trackers,
> for all users?

I don't think so. I thought of this myself and haven't found such

>  ("all" == [Quick Browse] button on right side once you
> figure that out)

> pps- can "Submit New" be moved to left or made bold? It gets a little
> lost in the middle of the other options.

You are right but this is yet another feature, :(.

> ppps- can you set default activity chart to weekly/monthly in the
> summary section?



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