[GRASS-dev] proj -l

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 7 22:40:44 EDT 2006


I just learned of the "proj -l" command from PROJ.4. (post on Proj.4 ml)

              List projection identifiers with -l,  -lp
              or  -lP  (expanded)  that can be selected
              with   +proj.    -l=id   gives   expanded
              description   of   projection  id.   List
              ellipsoid identifiers with -le, that  can
              be  selected  with  +ellps,  -lu  list of
              cartesian  to  meter  conversion  factors
              that  can  be selected with +units or -ld
              list of datums that can be selected  with

Maybe it would be useful in a future auto-gen g.setproj GUI wizard [if
GRASS moves to "full" use of proj.4].


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