October 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Oct 1 00:47:32 EDT 2006
Ending: Tue Oct 31 17:39:29 EDT 2006
Messages: 778
- [GRASS-dev] Re: 6.2 epsg version
Roger Lott (EPSG)
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS-dev] r3.in.ascii suggestion
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Again on raster statistics
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS-dev] 6.2.0 release announcement fixes
Sören Gebbert
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten - won't scale beyond 2GB
Māris Nartišs
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Māris Nartišs
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS/KerGIS fonts: hershey revival
Māris Nartišs
- [GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
Māris Nartišs
- [GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
Māris Nartišs
- [GRASS-dev] Need to update g.setproj
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] r.uslek calculating k factor from soil texture maps
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Need to update g.setproj
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags [was: [bug #5167]
(grass) v.patch: -a(ppend) issues]
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] r.resamp.aggregate
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug report] gis.m: error when launching
v.db.connect from menu with DEBUG set to 3
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Scripts still using "-q" instead of "--q"
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] zooming voting
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: tcltk 8.3 and v.digit toolbox
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Basic GIS course ideas
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: Your post on Grass list: i.group failed in new
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: Your post on Grass list: i.group failed in new
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5192] (grass) tclsh error in
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] proj -l
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] extraneous files in grass-6.2.0RC2.tar.gz & 6.2.0
release plans
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: tcltk 8.3 and v.digit toolbox
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: tcltk 8.3 and v.digit toolbox
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: tcltk 8.3 and v.digit toolbox
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: tcltk 8.3 and v.digit toolbox
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: no v.digit in wingrass
Michael Barton
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Michael Barton
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Michael Barton
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] new version of d.vect.chart
Michael Barton
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m error message
Michael Barton
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5204] (grass) grass6.3 - gis.m: can't read
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] gism thematic mapper bug
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5204] (grass) grass6.3 - gis.m: can't read
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5216] (grass) gis.m: creating location with
georeferenced file gives
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: grass-dev Digest, Vol 6, Issue 50
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] file manager dialog in tcl: home button?
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5220] (grass) wingrass: v.in.ogr (tcltk
version) creates wrong directory path
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5220] (grass) wingrass: v.in.ogr (tcltk
version) creates wrong directory path
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Where to post a bug
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: g.proj and datum information (and gis.m)
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Where to post a bug
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] wxpython gui: ghost of previous module inside
newly opened module
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m broken in 6.2.0rc3 for Tcl/Tk 8.3
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Integration of a new Tcl/tk script
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] EPSG list search
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] collecting grass (future) concepts
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
Michael Barton
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] [bug #2765] v.buffer bug??
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune - 'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] [bug #2765] v.buffer bug??
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune - 'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] r.distance problem: in our out?
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] How to find whether one vector is
contained by another
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] v.info Projection info
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #3112] r.watershed hangs
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] bizzare error in latest CVS r.terraflow
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] r.resamp.stats method=sum artifacts
Dylan Beaudette
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Roger Bivand
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS-dev] tmpfile() -> G_asprintf fails on Win/MinGW
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS-dev] tmpfile() -> G_asprintf fails on Win/MinGW
Radim Blazek
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS-dev] v.kernel Vect_check_input_output_name
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS-dev] Re: bug in Vect_cidx_find_next() ?
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS-dev] v.kernel Vect_check_input_output_name
Radim Blazek
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
Daniel Calvelo
- [GRASS-dev] adding 'desc' to dbf sql driver
Daniel Calvelo
- [GRASS-dev] bug in v.in.dxf?
Paolo Cavallini
- [GRASS-dev] r.li: new version and tests
Paolo Cavallini
- [GRASS-dev] r.li: new version and tests
Paolo Cavallini
- [GRASS-dev] dglib on 64 bit
Paolo Cavallini
- [GRASS-dev] making g.remove less verbose
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] Scripts still using "-q" instead of "--q"
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] Scripts still using "-q" instead of "--q"
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-user] Re: [GRASS-dev] Scripts still using "-q" instead of
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.distance problem: in our out?
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] g.gisenv DEBUG broken!
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] --v/q issues
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] --v/q issues
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.distance problem: in our out?
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and reference information
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] verbosity and G_done_msg
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.in.* modules and verbosity
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] verbosity and G_done_msg
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] WxPython GUIs on Debian/stable?
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] added granularity in GRASS_VERBOSE
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.distance problem: in our out?
Jachym Cepicky
- [GRASS-dev] r.uslek calculating k factor from soil texture maps
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] r.albedo
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] programming raster: how to get a latitude value of the
pixel to be processed, even if mapset is not in Lat/lon?
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] build swig/python support for GRASS as an automatic
process when compiling GRASS
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] r.example.py very first try (ndvi calculations,
not working yet)
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] r.eb.* energy balance modules for GRASS GIS
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] pj_transform problem: failed to load NAD27-83
correction file
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] Re: pj_transform problem: failed to load NAD27-83
correction file
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] r.in.gdal: can it get&store date and sun_elevation (if
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] r.dn2ref.l7 and r.dn2ref.ast: conver DN into
radiance/reflectance for Landsat 7 and Aster
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] pj_transform problem: failed to load NAD27-83
correction file
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] wxpython gui: ghost of previous module inside newly
opened module
Yann Chemin
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new location
from startup screen with projection values fails
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from values stp problem
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS-dev] v.info Projection info
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS-dev] Tk implemantation of a query function
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS-dev] v.info Projection info
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS-dev] Do we need general/g.region/cmd?
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Huidae Cho
- [GRASS-dev] Need to update g.setproj
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.resamp.aggregate, trimmed means
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.random still broken on Mac
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] GIF -> PNG
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.resamp.aggregate
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5183] (grass) g.region -a: different number of
rows if using 'res' or 'nsres' and 'ewres' - though
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] GIF -> PNG
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5184] (grass) r.null -n: always creates a null
bitmap - no matter if it already exists
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] help with r.le.setup bug
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [Ffmpeg-devel] Problems with preC99 compilers
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [Ffmpeg-devel] Problems with preC99 compilers
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] what can come before G_gisinit()?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] help with r.le.setup bug
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] help with r.le.setup bug
Glynn Clements
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] proj -l
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] extraneous files in grass-6.2.0RC2.tar.gz & 6.2.0
release plans
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] adding 'desc' to dbf sql driver
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Large vector files
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Large vector files
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to iso-8859-1
Glynn Clements
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] no v.digit in wingrass
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] adding 'desc' to dbf sql driver
Glynn Clements
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Glynn Clements
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Large vector files
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding
to iso-8859-1
Glynn Clements
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Glynn Clements
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] programming raster: how to get a latitude value of the
pixel to be processed, even if mapset is not in Lat/lon?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5205] (grass) r.colors color=rules: few seconds
delay between each warning
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5205] (grass) r.colors color=rules: few
seconds delay between each warning
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] what can come before G_gisinit()?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5212] (grass) default color map range does not
cover full data
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] GISDBASE directory name with spaces
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] g.list type=rast gives floating point
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] libgrass_gmath.so: cannot restore segment+Permission
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] GISDBASE directory name with spaces
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5212] (grass) default color map range does
not cover full data
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] g.list type=rast gives floating point
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] possible elements for g.findfile?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5220] (grass) wingrass: v.in.ogr (tcltk version)
creates wrong directory path
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and reference information
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from file problem
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: *** glibc detected ***
double free or corruption
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] RE: [GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: *** glibc detected ***
double free or corruption
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] ogsf fails to build
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] patch - allows g.mapset to create mapsets
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] verbosity and G_done_msg
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from values stp problem
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Tk implemantation of a query function
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Re: new r.in.xyz Benchmarks
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: Could open text file ~
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Do we need general/g.region/cmd?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Do we need general/g.region/cmd?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten - won't scale beyond 2GB
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5202] (grass) Bug with floating point maps in
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] should G_raster_map_type() use G_find_cell2() ?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: should G_raster_map_type() use G_find_cell2() ?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] patch - allows g.mapset to create mapsets
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten - won't scale beyond 2GB
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] patch - allows g.mapset to create mapsets
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: Could open text file ~
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] should G_raster_map_type() use G_find_cell2() ?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] should G_raster_map_type() use G_find_cell2() ?
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] patch - allows g.mapset to create mapsets
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.resamp.stats method=sum artifacts
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] lib/pngdriver Mingw compile error
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] lib/pngdriver Mingw compile error
Glynn Clements
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten - won't scale beyond 2GB
Andrew Danner
- [GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
Otto Dassau
- [GRASS-dev] r.le--after some fixes still needs work
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5182] (grass) parser: allows for '@' in map
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full
path to dsn is missing
Brad Douglas
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Large vector files
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] dglib on 64 bit
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-CVS] brad: grass6/lib/gis legal_name.c,
2.6, 2.7
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Raster analysis
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-CVS] maciej: grass6/general/g.findfile
description.html, 1.4, 1.5
Brad Douglas
- [GRASS-dev] WinGRASS file locking
Benjamin Ducke
- [GRASS-user] Re: [GRASS-dev] Scripts still using "-q" instead
of "--q"
Benjamin Ducke
- [GRASS-dev] Scripts still using "-q" instead of "--q"
Benjamin Ducke
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.2.0RC2 forthcoming
Benjamin Ducke
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Basic GIS course ideas
Benjamin Ducke
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Re: [Qgis-user] Basic GIS course ideas
Benjamin Ducke
- [GRASS-dev] RE: [bug #3112] r.watershed hangs
Charles Ehlschlaeger
- [GRASS-dev] bug in v.in.dxf?
John Gillette
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-CVS] maciej:
grass6/general/g.findfiledescription.html, 1.4, 1.5
John Gillette
- [GRASS-dev] Tk implemantation of a query function
Thierry Gonon
- [GRASS-dev] Tk implemantation of a query function
Thierry Gonon
- [GRASS-dev] Integration of a new Tcl/tk script
Thierry Gonon
- [GRASS-dev] Integration of a new Tcl/tk script
Thierry Gonon
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
- [GRASS-dev] r.le--after some fixes still needs work
- [GRASS-dev] Need to update g.setproj
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #4352] (grass) v.to.db: segfault on layer > 1
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5175] (grass) v.to.db: 'option=cat' not
updating columns other than 'cat'
- [GRASS-dev] r.le bugs--list needed
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5161] v.digit: no toolbox if Grass 6.3 built
with tcl/tk 8.3
- [GRASS-dev] r.le--after some fixes still needs work
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] [bug #2765] v.buffer bug??
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full
path to dsn is missing
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] [bug #2765] v.buffer bug??
- [GRASS-dev] r.resamp.aggregate, trimmed means
- [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags [was: [bug #5167]
(grass) v.patch: -a(ppend) issues]
- [GRASS-dev] GIF -> PNG
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
- [GRASS-dev] remove(dir) fails on Windows
- [GRASS-dev] GIF -> PNG
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune - 'thresh'
interpreted wrong?
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5182] (grass) parser: allows for '@' in map
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full
path to dsn is missing
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #3224] (grass) r.terraflow does not compile
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune - 'thresh'
interpreted wrong?
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5183] (grass) g.region -a: different number
of rows if using 'res' or 'nsres' and 'ewres' -
though res=nsres=ewres=10!
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
- [GRASS-dev] [bug report] gis.m: error when launching
v.db.connect from menu with DEBUG set to 3
- [GRASS-dev] v.split: what is 'vertices' for?
- [GRASS-dev] auto-man page creation after KEYWORD support
- [GRASS-dev] help with r.le.setup bug
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [Ffmpeg-devel] Problems with preC99 compilers
- [GRASS-dev] what can come before G_gisinit()?
- [GRASS-dev] help with r.le.setup bug
- [GRASS-dev] proj -l
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
- [GRASS-dev] extraneous files in grass-6.2.0RC2.tar.gz & 6.2.0
release plans
- [GRASS-dev] what can come before G_gisinit()?
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
- [GRASS-dev] Re: tcltk 8.3 and v.digit toolbox
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] r.what and d.what.rast
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #2765] (grass) v.buffer bug??
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Large vector files
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
- [GRASS-dev] Re: tcltk 8.3 and v.digit toolbox
- [GRASS-dev] bug in Vect_break_lines() ? [bug #2765] [was: v.buffer
- [GRASS-dev] Re: no v.digit in wingrass
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS 6.2 RC2 - Compile with Python
- [GRASS-dev] r.li: new version and tests
- [GRASS-dev] v.kernel Vect_check_input_output_name
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5197] (grass) v.distance: segfault when
'from' vector doesn't exist
- [GRASS-dev] r3.in.ascii suggestion
- [GRASS-dev] g3dcell [was: g.remove --q]
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to iso-8859-1
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Large vector files
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #2765] (grass) v.buffer bug??
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m error message
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to
- [GRASS-dev] G_message() cleanups...
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] g.gisenv DEBUG broken!
- [GRASS-dev] r3.in.ascii suggestion
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] g.gisenv DEBUG broken!
- [GRASS-dev] Re: Proof of concept for more complete database
access in GRASS module [was: Re: [GRASS-user] RE: Problem
querying layers other than '1' in gi s.m]
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
- [GRASS-dev] vectors invisible if has layer2 but no layer1
- [GRASS-dev] --v/q issues
- [GRASS-dev] --v/q issues
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5205] (grass) r.colors color=rules: few
seconds delay between each warning
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to
- [GRASS-dev] Can't create locations using EPSG codes
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Large vector files
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #4725] "nviz vol=raster3d" lockup
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #4725] "nviz vol=raster3d" lockup
- [GRASS-dev] dglib on 64 bit
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5212] (grass) default color map range does
not cover full data
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5215] (grass) r.los module crashes (Windows)
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Raster analysis
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
- [GRASS-dev] possible elements for g.findfile?
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
- [GRASS-dev] verbosity and G_done_msg
- [GRASS-dev] r.in.* modules and verbosity
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from file problem
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from values stp problem
- [GRASS-dev] pj_transform problem: failed to load NAD27-83
correction file
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-CVS] maciej: grass6/general/g.findfile
description.html, 1.4, 1.5
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS ibiblio mirror stuck in the past
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect: WARNING: Color:
can't set color 50331648
- [GRASS-dev] Tk implemantation of a query function
- [GRASS-dev] verbosity and G_done_msg
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: Could open text file ~ 2.5GB
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect: WARNING: Color:
can't set color 50331648
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS ibiblio mirror stuck in the past
- [GRASS-dev] Do we need general/g.region/cmd?
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
- [GRASS-dev] floating values stored in tables with max 6 decimal
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
- [GRASS-dev] WxPython GUIs on Debian/stable?
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect: WARNING: Color:
can'tset color 50331648
- [GRASS-dev] WxPython GUIs on Debian/stable?
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #3112] r.watershed hangs
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect: WARNING: Color:
can'tset color 50331648
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #3112] r.watershed hangs
- [GRASS-dev] added granularity in GRASS_VERBOSE
- [GRASS-dev] should G_raster_map_type() use G_find_cell2() ?
- [GRASS-dev] Re: should G_raster_map_type() use G_find_cell2() ?
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m broken in 6.2.0rc3 for Tcl/Tk 8.3
- [GRASS-dev] added granularity in GRASS_VERBOSE
- [GRASS-dev] Re: should G_raster_map_type() use G_find_cell2() ?
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: Could open text file ~
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
- [GRASS-dev] should G_raster_map_type() use G_find_cell2() ?
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m broken in 6.2.0rc3 for Tcl/Tk 8.3
- [GRASS-dev] EPSG list search
- [GRASS-dev] 6.2.0 release announcement fixes
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #3112] r.watershed hangs
- [GRASS-dev] r.watershed updates
- [GRASS-dev] r.resamp.stats method=sum artifacts
- [GRASS-dev] r.watershed updates
- [GRASS-dev] 6.2.0 release announcement fixes
- [GRASS-dev] p.out.vrml renamed r.out.vrml (virtual reality scene
generator) & modernization
- [GRASS-dev] elevation.dted from spearfish
- [GRASS-dev] elevation.dted from spearfish
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
- [GRASS-dev] r.resamp.stats method=sum artifacts
- [GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
- [GRASS-dev] Need to update g.setproj
Morten Hulden
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from values stp problem
Morten Hulden
- [GRASS-dev] proj -l
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-user] RE: [GRASS-dev] Can't create locations using EPSG
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] pj_transform problem: failed to load NAD27-83
correction file
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] Re: g.proj and datum information (and gis.m)
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] r.watershed in grass 6.1 and 5.4
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] lib/pngdriver Mingw compile error
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] lib/pngdriver Mingw compile error
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.png giving files a .png extension
Paul Kelly
- [GRASS-dev] r.random still broken on Mac
William Kyngesburye
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
William Kyngesburye
- [GRASS-user] Re: [GRASS-dev] Scripts still using "-q" instead of
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] g.gisenv DEBUG broken!
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] patch - allows g.mapset to create mapsets
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] collecting grass (future) concepts
Martin Landa
- [GRASS-dev] adding 'desc' to dbf sql driver
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] the installation
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune - 'thresh'
interpreted wrong?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune -
'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune
- 'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] [bug report] gis.m: error when launching v.db.connect
from menu with DEBUG set to 3
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune -
'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune
- 'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune
- 'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect causes
error :can't
read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole,9,donecmd)": no such element in array
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5189] (grass) Error in start up script
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] adding 'desc' to dbf sql driver
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole,9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole,9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] adding 'desc' to dbf sql driver
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] adding 'desc' to dbf sql driver
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] no v.digit in wingrass
Moritz Lennert
- [Fwd: [GRASS-dev] [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: bug in Vect_cidx_find_next() ?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] small bugfix for d.vect.thematic
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: bug in Vect_cidx_find_next() ?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] adding 'desc' to dbf sql driver
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: bug in Vect_cidx_find_next() ?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] new version of d.vect.chart
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Proof of concept for more complete database access in
GRASS module
[was: Re: [GRASS-user] RE: Problem querying layers other than '1' in gi s.m]
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding
to iso-8859-1
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: Proof of concept for more complete database access
in GRASS module
[was: Re: [GRASS-user] RE: Problem querying layers other than '1' in gi s.m]
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: Proof of concept for more complete database access
in GRASS module
[was: Re: [GRASS-user] RE: Problem querying layers other than '1' in gi s.m]
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding
to iso-8859-1
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets
encoding to iso-8859-1
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] vectors invisible if has layer2 but no layer1
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] GISDBASE directory name with spaces
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5097] (grass) d.vect.chart: add where option
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #4436] (grass) implement expression parser for
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] GISDBASE directory name with spaces
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new location
from startup screen with projection values fails
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5217] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen fails with georeferenced file
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new location
from startup screen with projection values fails
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5220] (grass) wingrass: v.in.ogr (tcltk
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] g.proj and datum information (and gis.m)
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] wxpython gui: ghost of previous module inside
newly opened module
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.vect -a shows only some elements
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Tk implemantation of a query function
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Tk implemantation of a query function
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: g.proj and datum information (and gis.m)
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] gis.m in wingrass: using where clause in d.vect
causes error :can't read "_data(.gronsole.gronsole, 9,
donecmd)": no such element in array
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] 6.3RC3
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] WxPython GUIs on Debian/stable?
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Installation problem
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Installation problem
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] collecting grass (future) concepts
Moritz Lennert
- [GRASS-dev] Re: g3dcell [was: g.remove --q]
Helena Mitasova
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from values stp problem
Helena Mitasova
- [GRASS-dev] r.flow and G_message
Helena Mitasova
- [GRASS-dev] r.watershed updates
Helena Mitasova
- [GRASS-dev] collecting grass (future) concepts
Helena Mitasova
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
Scott Mitchell
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-CVS] maciej: grass6/general/g.findfile
description.html, 1.4, 1.5
Scott Mitchell
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GIF -> PNG
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5161] v.digit: no toolbox if Grass 6.3 built
with tcl/tk 8.3
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GIF -> PNG
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full
path to dsn is missing
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune - 'thresh'
interpreted wrong?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune -
'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune -
'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune
- 'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] r.distance problem: in our out?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.2.0RC2 forthcoming
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] auto-man page creation after KEYWORD support
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.2.0RC2 forthcoming
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [Ffmpeg-devel] Problems with preC99 compilers
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] tmpfile() -> G_asprintf fails on Win/MinGW
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] tmpfile() -> G_asprintf fails on Win/MinGW
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.2.0RC2 released
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] r.resamp.stats documentation?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: 6.2 epsg version
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: 6.2 epsg version
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] file manager dialog in tcl: home button?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: 6.2 epsg version
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from file problem
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from file problem
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] RE: [GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: *** glibc detected ***
double free or corruption
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from values stp problem
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from values stp problem
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] verbosity and G_done_msg
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.2.0RC3 tomorrow
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Creating location from values stp problem
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-CVS] maciej: grass6/general/g.findfile
description.html, 1.4, 1.5
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Question: grass-issues@wald.intevation.org requires
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.2.0RC3 tomorrow
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.2.0RC3 released
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS ibiblio mirror stuck in the past
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Do we need general/g.region/cmd?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] RPMs available for GRASS 6.2.0RC3
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS ibiblio mirror stuck in the past
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] WxPython GUIs on Debian/stable?
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: RPMs available for GRASS 6.2.0RC3
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new
location from startup screen with projection values fails
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] RPMs available for GRASS 6.2.0RC3
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Web based IRC access to #grass channel
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal updated
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] 6.2.0 release announcement fixes
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] elevation.dted from spearfish
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] collecting grass (future) concepts
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS GIS 6.2.0 released 31 Oct 2006
Markus Neteler
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] Scripts still using "-q" instead of "--q"
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] zooming voting
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] RE: Your post on Grass list: i.group failed in new
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #2793] (grass) where v.segment creates the p
Patton, Eric
- raster MASKs; was [GRASS-dev] interferring ovewrite flags
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] How to find whether one vector is contained by another
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] vectors invisible if has layer2 but no layer1
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] Can't create locations using EPSG codes
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] Can't create locations using EPSG codes
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] Can't create locations using EPSG codes
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-user] RE: [GRASS-dev] Can't create locations using EPS
G codes
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] g.list type=rast gives floating point exception
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] g.list type=rast gives floating point exception
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] RE: [GRASS-user] g.list type=rast gives floating point
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] g.list type=rast gives floating point exception
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] r.in.xyz: *** glibc detected *** double free or
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] RE: [GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: *** glibc detected ***
double free or corruption
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect: WARNING: Color:
can'tset color 50331648
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect: WARNING: Color:
can'tset color 50331648
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] How-To on Updating Grass Documentation now on WIKI
Patton, Eric
- [GRASS-dev] request tracker r.null -n bug
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] ogsf fails to build
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] ogsf fails to build
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] patch - allows g.mapset to create mapsets
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] Re: patch - allows g.mapset to create mapsets
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc addition
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] patch - allows g.mapset to create mapsets
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] patch - allows g.mapset to create mapsets
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Joel Pitt
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #3323] (grass) r.le.setup does not work properly
Harmish Bowman via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5175] (grass) v.to.db: 'option=cat' not updating
columns other than 'cat'
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #4352] (grass) v.to.db: segfault on layer > 1
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full path
to dsn is missing
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5183] (grass) g.region -a: different number of
rows if using 'res' or 'nsres' and 'ewres' - though
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full path
to dsn is missing
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full path
to dsn is missing
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #2793] (grass) where v.segment creates the points
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #2793] (grass) v.segment: side offset is ignored
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5196] (grass) v.what.vect: wrong option
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5168] (grass) v.in.ogr: undefined symbol
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5206] (grass) r.out.tiff: '/' in 'output'
triggers a false warning
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #4436] (grass) implement expression parser for
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5097] (grass) d.vect.chart: add where option
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect: WARNING: Color: can't
set color 50331648
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect -f: WARNING: Color:
can't set color 50331648
Maciek Sieczka via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5168] (grass) v.in.ogr: undefined symbol
Markus Neteler via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5179] (grass) d.m: env(GISBASE) - no such variable
Markus Neteler via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #3224] (grass) r.terraflow does not compile
Markus Neteler via RT
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5247] (grass) references to
Markus Neteler via RT
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS-dev] request tracker r.null -n bug
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS-dev] tracker write/read access at GForge
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS-dev] tracker write/read access at GForge
Bernhard Reiter
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] v.clean: dangles removed but nothing cahnged (?)
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] v.clean: dangles removed but nothing cahnged (?)
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full
path to dsn is missing
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #2765] (grass) v.buffer bug??
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] v.clean tool=prune - 'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] request tracker r.null -n bug
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune - 'thresh'
interpreted wrong?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full
path to dsn is missing
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune -
'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune -
'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune -
'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune
- 'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] v.split: what is 'vertices' for?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune
- 'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] v.split: what is 'vertices' for?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Grass Documentation How-to html page
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #2765] (grass) v.buffer bug??
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
Maciej Sieczka
- [Fwd: [GRASS-dev] [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Large vector files
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: tcltk 8.3 and v.digit toolbox
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding
to iso-8859-1
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] vectors invisible if has layer2 but no layer1
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] vectors invisible if has layer2 but no layer1
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] vectors invisible if has layer2 but no layer1
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Can't create locations using EPSG codes
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] making r.out.gdal region sensitive
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: 6.2 epsg version
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: 6.2 epsg version
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] g.list type=rast gives floating point
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] possible elements for g.findfile?
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] r.mapcalc and g.remove --v/q issues
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-CVS] brad: grass6/lib/gis legal_name.c, 2.6,
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Where to post a bug
Maciej Sieczka
- [Fwd: Re: [GRASS-dev] Re: 6.2 epsg version]
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] tracker write/read access at GForge
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Question: grass-issues@wald.intevation.org requires
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS 6.2.0RC3 tomorrow
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] v.info Projection info
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-CVS] maciej: grass6/general/g.findfile
description.html, 1.4, 1.5
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] floating values stored in tables with max 6 decimal
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] floating values stored in tables with max 6 decimal
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect: WARNING: Color:
can'tset color 50331648
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] tracker write/read access at GForge
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] call for last minute testers
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] d.m/d.gis mysteries..
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] collecting grass (future) concepts
Maciej Sieczka
- [GRASS-dev] RPMs available for GRASS 6.2.0RC3
Michael Tiemann
- [GRASS-dev] RPMs available for GRASS 6.2.0RC3
Michael Tiemann
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5176] (grass) v.in.ogr: segfault when a full path
to dsn is missing
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5179] (grass) d.m: env(GISBASE) - no such variable
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5182] (grass) parser: allows for '@' in map names
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5183] (grass) g.region -a: different number of
rows if using 'res' or 'nsres' and 'ewres' - though
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5184] (grass) r.null -n: always creates a null
bitmap - no matter if it already exists
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5185] (grass) shared libraries problem
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5186] (grass) diglib compilation problem
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5187] (grass) Grass bug tracker rejected guest
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5189] (grass) Error in start up script
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5191] (grass) GRASS_WISH environment did not
istall properly
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5192] (grass) tclsh error in
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5195] (grass) ps.map sets encoding to iso-8859-1
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5196] (grass) v.what.vect: wrong option
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5197] (grass) v.distance: segfault when 'from'
vector doesn't exist
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5198] (grass) --v, --q parser error
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5200] (grass) d.what.vect: WARNING: Color: can't
set color 50331648
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5202] (grass) Bug with floating point maps in
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5204] (grass) grass6.3 - gis.m: can't read
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5205] (grass) r.colors color=rules: few seconds
delay between each warning
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5206] (grass) r.out.tiff: '/' in 'output'
triggers a false warning
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5208] (grass) New message from Sarah on MySpace
sent on Oct 12 15:40:00 -4 2006
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5209] (grass) v.in.ascii table creation broken
for DDD:MM:SS input
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5210] (grass) v.transform: V_ask error message:
Illegal row in call to V_const
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5212] (grass) default color map range does not
cover full data
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5215] (grass) r.los module crashes (Windows)
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5216] (grass) gis.m: creating location with
georeferenced file gives
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5217] (grass) wingrass: creating new location
from startup screen fails with georeferenced file
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5218] (grass) wingrass: creating new location
from startup screen with projection values fails
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5219] (grass) d.vect display=cat works only for
layer 1
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5220] (grass) wingrass: v.in.ogr (tcltk version)
creates wrong directory path
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5225] (grass) r.slope.aspect: missing closing
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5241] (grass) Option text line does not wrap in
tk dialogs
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5243] (grass) d.vect: better random color
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5247] (grass) references to "grass61"
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] [bug #5248] (grass) v.extract: *** glibc detected ***
at any DBMI-DBF driver error
Request Tracker
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten - won't scale beyond 2GB
Vytautas V
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal updated
Vytautas V
- [GRASS-dev] Generic binary for non-64 bit platforms
Sajith VK
- [GRASS-dev] r.out.gdal rewritten
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- [GRASS-dev] First steps to switch the bug tracker
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- [GRASS-dev] Re: 6.2 epsg version
Frank Warmerdam
- [GRASS-dev] Wanted: GRASS developer for small job
Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd.
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] v.clean tool=prune
-'thresh' interpreted wrong?
Gordon Whitmore
- [GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] r.what and d.what.rast
Trevor Wiens
- [GRASS-dev] Re: Proof of concept for more complete database access
module [was: Re: [GRASS-user] RE: Problem querying layers other than '1' in
gi s.m]
Trevor Wiens
- [GRASS-dev] Re: Proof of concept for more complete database access
module [was: Re: [GRASS-user] RE: Problem querying layers other than '1' in
gi s.m]
Trevor Wiens
- [GRASS-dev] Re: Proof of concept for more complete database
access in GRASS module [was: Re: [GRASS-user] RE: Problem querying
layers other than '1' in gi s.m]
Trevor Wiens
- [GRASS-dev] libgrass_gmath.so: cannot restore segment+Permission
- [GRASS-dev] Tcl/Tk script integration in Grass
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
tlaronde at polynum.com
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
tlaronde at polynum.com
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
tlaronde at polynum.com
- [GRASS-dev] Vote for your favorite zoom out
tlaronde at polynum.com
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS/KerGIS fonts: hershey revival
tlaronde at polynum.com
- [GRASS-dev] GRASS/KerGIS fonts: hershey revival
tlaronde at polynum.com
Last message date:
Tue Oct 31 17:39:29 EDT 2006
Archived on: Wed Nov 14 14:01:17 EDT 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).